So Marian HAS left. Been offered dr fraiti. Neone had him. So confused now Started by: sophiemarie

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  • sophiemarie -4

    Wasn’t even informed she was going to leave but gutted but had anyone had mr fraiti.
    Would like to see his work as I’m going to see him in feb. seems things keep getting in the way of my surgery…had two surgeons leave now lol x

    sophiemarie -4

    Yer I’ve seen a lot of girls with him but can’t remember who. Wanted to c his work. Thanks babe.
    Yer I wanted to get another surgeons recommendations so maybe this is my silver lining on the cloud haha!

    sophiemarie -4

    I’ve added u polina and Anna hank u girls how did I feel he was and what sizes did u have x


    I’ve added you hun, I had 325cc soft touch overs. I really liked him and felt comfortable. He’s a man of few words though so definitely take pics of the look you want x

    sophiemarie -4

    Ah I will do babe thanks wot sizes did he offer u or did he just say one?
    Is he more of a natural or fake kinda surgeon.
    I want mind to look natural but on the bigger side.
    I have very slight asymmetry. Some surgeons have sed approx 20mls and have offered me two diff sizes in each or I can still go for same in both. Wonder what his opinion will be.

    One surgeon didnt recommend having two diff sizes x


    We started at 260cc and worked our way up. He ordered 290 and 325 we decided on the day to go 325cc. He’s done loads of girls on here with much bigger cc’s and all look fab. Im still waiting for them to drop and soften up but still early days x

    sophiemarie -4

    Aw that’s good tho.
    Do u feel they r a good size for u,
    I can’t wait just seems things keep getin in my way. Wanted a late space for feb. but now I have tk meet another surgeon in feb I think it’ll have to be march x


    I hope you get a date soon hun the wait must be killing you x

    sophiemarie -4

    Thanks girls that’s such great help. My asymmetry ain’t bad others can’t notice it but i can in bras n that.
    Yer me too I have started my new job as a midwife in oct and have about 2weeks annual leave left that I have to take before April. U think that’ll b enough time?
    I’ve usually been offered overs x


    Omg sophiemarie you’re a midwife. My dream job haha xx

    sophiemarie -4

    Bless u! U can do it too! 3 years in Uni! X

    Polina 1

    @amt1 hope its ok to add? im having mr frari next fri. Shopie he gave me 290cc and 335cc to try. i liked 290cc but then went home and got boob greed after reading everyone on this forum, so he ordered 335cc and couple bigger sizes. we will decide on the day 🙂

    sophiemarie -4

    Ah great could I add u please what did u have x

    Sarah 1

    I had 615 partials due to emptiness after breastfeeding and was a 36A/B prior so there was alot of skin to fill. He is good because he will only give you what he thinks will be ok and not look too big on you and of course you can add me and have a look at his handy work xx

    sophiemarie -4

    Aw thanks bubs. Are u happy with the size I’m so excited x

    Sarah 1

    Im over the moon apart from the fact that one has dropped and the other has not so look different sizes at the moment but I’m confident that it will settle down with time xx

    sophiemarie -4

    Aw yer I’ve seen people say treat them as different operations.
    It’s just easier sed than done. We r so quick to Judge ourselves. Can I add u too Rachel xx


    Yeah course it’s fine, just accepted you 🙂 x

    sophiemarie -4

    Thanks sweetie xx

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