So much pain Started by: Adrianne

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  • Adrianne 3

    My surgery was yesterday , as the evening went on I stared to become more and more in pain, I keep waking up I’m struggling to get myself out of bed or just moving really. When layed at 40 degrees I’m okay, as soon as I E.G. up and move around my incisions really start to hurt. The tablets don’t really seem to be doing much , it hurts a lot to breathe in and out deeply. Is this normal ?

    Charlotte 1

    Hi Hun, congrats on the boobies 🙂 I had my op Friday night and all day Saturday I was in so much pain, especially on my sides and I couldn’t get myself up. I woke up on Sunday and felt completely different, pain has gone just very stiff. 4 days post op now and off my pain killers, my back is hurting more then anything from sleeping sitting up right!! It will get better just keep thinking positive!! Everyday will get better 🙂 xxxx

    karina 6

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    I had my surgery yesterday too and the pain is so bad where the drains were and I feel like the strapping is so tight and painful on my incisions! Yesterday on my way home I really struggled to speak as it hurt so much and couldn’t keep anything down just kept throwing up. Congrats on your new boobies! Keep telling yourself this is temporary that’s what I keep doing xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun it’s all normal if you feel in that much pain keep on top of your painkillers taking them regular your stitches will pull and sting it’s the wounds knitting together I found the more I got up and walked the better it was if I just sat down all the time I started to feel a lil pain and become stiff xxx

    Adrianne 3

    You was in my room Karina ! Sorry for all the dramas all day haha hope your feeling ok. I feel the same as you it’s where the drains were that hurt so much. I just hope it goes soon I’m trying very hard not to cry ! I hope you enjoy your boobies too !!

    karina 6

    Hahah no way?! Dw about it lovely hope it all got sorted! I’m not to bad thank you. And yes!! I was begging the nurse to take them out then when she did I swear it made it even worse, they’ve been killing me ever since! Haha same as me!

    Lilly 3

    I had my opp yday too im so sore xx

    Charlotte 1

    It was the drains that were hurting me so much, it was horrible. I have them out now and as soon as they took them out it was a relief and I felt so much better. Keep on top of your painkillers and try moving around as Stacey said the more you get up the better you feel as don’t go stiff! Congrats girls xxxx

    Lilly 3

    Hey im experiencing same pain as you when i lay down i find it awful bad to get up. The pain on my chest is daunting but once im up it feels better but makes me not want to lay down if that makes sense xx


    Yeah I agree it must be normal I had my op yesterday and I’m in the exact same boat. I put a hot water bottle under my back which has helped make me comfy. But every time I have to get up it kills. Subsides when I go for a little walk around the house but it’s the process of moving that’s awful. We’ll all get through it just rest up girlies. X

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