So so annoyed!!! Adding to the nerves!!! Started by: wynrush123

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    Hi girls!
    So annoyed!! My op is booked for the 8th December, already been moved from the 1st for some unknown reason.
    When I went for my surgeon appointment with mr Fallahdar he was very strict in the sizes he would let me go to, I’m currently a 32b size 8 57kg but have little tissue up top so having to go under. Firstly I wanted overs but understand why I can’t, secondly I wanted 400cc but he handed me 375cc- when I asked to see the 400 he said no, there’s no point I can’t go that big. Well on here I’ve seen girls with 32a boobs having 410!!! Annoyed that he refused to even let me see them, I’m paying £4500 for an implant size I didn’t want!

    I’ve called my pc and the only option is to see him again, the only appointment he has between now and my op is miles away in Essex 3 days before my op!!! To try and convince him to let me go to 400. I’m scared he wil turn around and refuse to operate as I’m not happy with the size but he’s not happy going bigger. I’ve looked and the 400 is 0.25cm wider and his reason was they would e too wide for me?!?! ARGh!!!!!!!!


    Hi there, I’m basically same stats as you started off a small 32b probably more of an A and Mr fallahdar did 410’s for me- partial unders
    I would deffo ask him to reconsider as mine are big but fit nicely on my frame x


    Thankyou Kirsty, guna try my hardest to persuade him! I know
    Otherwise months down the line ill be going in for a re op! There’s not a huge difference in the sizes anyway I honestly don’t see the issue


    Stephanie -1

    I’d either go with a different surgeon or stick with his suggestion, he has rather more experience then you in general 😉

    So if that’s what he recommends I’d stick with it if you want him to do the surgery. If a different surgeon thinks different them maybe go with him, but I don’t see any point trying to force a surgeon to do something he doesn’t think is appropriate.


    It’s not that I’m trying to “force” him, I simply don’t understand his logic saying the bigger size was too wide when it is only 0.25 cm wider! Hence why I’m travelling all the way from Southampton to Essex three days before my op to discuss it. I’m annoyed with the fact that he didn’t even let me see the bigger implant so I have nothing to compare the smaller implant to. It’s easy for you to say to just go with what he says but i can’t afford to pay £4500 and not be happy with the result !


    To be honest mr fallahandar is strict very professional he does not really cater for big implants , you can ask him see how it goes good luck he is excellent Isurgeon had him 340 cc a year ago but going bigger with another surgeon.


    The problem I have aswell is I’m having otoplasty at the same time so I’m limited as to which surgeons are best for both ops 🙁 I’m hoping he agrees to at least try the bigger sizers on the day and see x

    tarwie 9

    at least ask him to have a look at the implant just so you know what your missing!! I mean he could at least show you it to put your mind at ease. he is the professional so I think that he can visualize them on you and will probably be right. but if it’s what you really want I would put your foot down! however it might be that your a petite girl or have a petite frame and even though it’s not much width, in reality they are still wider. hopefully you get your wish or if not least there isn’t much in the sizes to notice.I really hope you get what you want as you say it’s a lot of money. good luck chick xxx


    Thankyou 🙂 I’m hoping he’s going to at least let me see them and explain why he said no!
    And if I don’t ask ill never know 😛 x

    tarwie 9

    Exactly!! good luck xxx


    Hi chick,
    I was 32A and i had overs, i had very little tissue and mine look great 🙂
    Maybe try and see a different surgeon with MYA and see what they say?
    Push for what you want hun, its your body.
    Good luck


    Sorry num lock wasnt on i had 410 overs x


    Hi Gemma,
    Yeah I’m panicking cos I’m having unders with 375 I don’t think ill make a DD with my 32b boobs 🙁 xx


    Yes you will def get DD Hun xx I am with 340 cc. But near in mind implants measure bigger than they look /:-)


    I really hope so!! Do u know if there would be a lot of difference in size from 375 to 400cc?? Can’t decide if I should still go and see him to try and get the 400 or wether to just stick with 375 and save myself the Aggro! Xx


    Hun are you going for matralles or cui? Ask him if you can go bigger !!! 375 is a decent size babe not to big not to small xxx

    Kylie 1

    It’s a difference of 25cc, equivalent to 25 grams. If you weigh that out its really not much at all. Try doing the rice test. Put 375 grams of rice in the toe of tights and tie it and put 400 grams in the other one and I bet you won’t see the difference if someone muddled them up. But, at the end of the day, you’ve got to be happy and you’re the one paying.
    I hope you end up happy with results, whatever you decide.


    Naturelles, extra full projection responsive gel. I asked about the bigger one at my first consult he said they were too wide for me but their only 0.25cm wider! Lol. Think I’d rather go bigger then I’m less likely to have boob greed! Wana be a full DD not a D 🙁 x


    Hun mr fallahadar is O strict lol I was aDD when measured at six weeks now aD cup so you should get DD Hun xxhe might change his mind 🙂 x


    All I can do is ask I suppose 🙁 means a 2.5hour journey to see him though! I know my pc has ordered them just incase he says yes so fingers crossed! X


    If your pc ordered them that’s great he will try fit them in which ever one is suited xx good luck babe xxx


    He doesn’t know she ordered them :/ she wasn’t allowed to without his say so but he didn’t reply to the email. If she didn’t order then anyway I’m seeing him only 3 days before my op so they wouldn’t have been ordered in time. So I’m very lucky she’s on my side!! I hope she doesn’t get in trouble tho lol xx


    Lol babe no she won’t get into trouble hope all goes well , let us know how you get on xxx 🙂

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