So unhappy :( Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Anyone advice would be really nice been up all night with worry! Right I paid my depiost of 500 booked to see mr kazzazi he only offered me 485cc unless I wanted a lift but hospital group offered me less but that was a year ago so never mind that bit surely my skin isn’t that saggy I wanted 410cc TOPS! Because of my 9stone 8/10 frame I no u get 7 days cooling period to get back your deposit but they didn’t let me try the sizeing kit till over a wk later which then really set in how big 485cc actually is!! I went home n now 2days later Realizeing it’s way to big for me! What do I do now see a different surgeon with mya? A lift maybe r they massively more than my ba?? Or have I lost my deposit?? Plz help I just want d/dd boobies without scars from lift at 26 🙁 xx

    Stephanie -1

    I think everyone is different in some people larger implants don’t make that big a difference I have no idea why…

    Do you know what sort of implants you have been offered? High or low profile because the low profile are quite a lot wider and less pointy 😉 from what I can see some are half a cm less pointy then the 340cc implants I have. But they are a lot wider so they fill up the chest but aren’t pointy,

    So it’s important to know which you have been recommended. So if you aren’t sure go back and see him again or phone and see if you can find out over the phone.

    Then if still unhappy yes maybe see another surgeon, but i would guess if you have reasonable boobs then below a certain size might just make no difference and be a waste of money.


    Thanks Stephanie I think I was offered medium and high I went for medium I’m a 34b now just wish he would give me 410cc I want unders aswel I going to have to re think because I’m thinking backing out 3girls I no who gave had implants r lovely sized quite big nice shape and to image I’m going 100cc more frightens me! My partner came he was like wow steph there way to big :/ x

    Stephanie -1

    Have you done the rice test?

    Do that today in fact for the weekend! So 480 ml of rice in each side and wear it for the weekend… Just go for it. Then you have some idea. Go try some new clothes on wearing them.

    Then you really can say if they are too big or not and then just go back and say clearly you want smaller, if this surgeon won’t do smaller then ask for a different surgeon. 😉 you want these so don’t give up but stand up for yourself and ensure that you don’t accept something you don’t want it just means a week or few weeks delaying sorting out a surgeon that will do what you want.

    😉 don’t despair, it’s almost te sme nerves we see the day before he op. just keep calm and make it clear that you don’t want bigger than X. Do things like take a couple of screenshots of boobs that are the size you want and take those images back to surgeons and say I don’t want bigger than this…. No bigger and see what they say?



    Thanks mr kazzazi rush me didn’t speak didn’t really listen to what I wanted I don’t doubt he nos his stuff but when it’s Ur body and money u really need more info, yes I will try the rice test today thanks a lot will I lose my deposit if I switch surgeons I do t mind shopping around to find the one what will give me what I want :/ xx

    Stephanie -1

    I think that is daft if loose deposit as surely the 7 days should be after you see the surgeon not just a nurse as it’s the surgeon that decides these things…I’d speaks to the @myoderator and kick up a fuss…


    remember u will loose some cm because u having unders and moderate projection. im sure kazzazi knows whats best, u need the right size implant to fill the emptness and with smallest size u may endup with double bubble. U can get smaller implant only if u want to have overs but then again it may look like balls in a sock ….or go for uplift and have the size u want, but u sooo young ….


    I no 🙁 I really don’t want the up lift! I just want 410cc rather than 485cc after the bra fitting Thursday everything changed because how big I looked yes I’m going under muscle which I did want, I just wanted a full d to dd at this rate il be huge!! No I don’t want the lift I think I would pull out all together I think I’m going to try a different surgeon xx


    In all fairness hun, moderate are much wider and project less then highs (trust me on this!) and between 410 and 485 is 75cc which is half a cup size (150 being an average cup size)
    Implants always measure bigger then they look, so measuring a dd will look a c cup max (with my first op I measured an ff/g and looked a c) you should achieve a d look with 485’s possibly a dd but measure an e/f
    Go see another surgeon, but us girls always suggest not getting hopes up on a certain CC size, as not getting offered it is devastating, and most girls say opt for the biggest offered (I hate having smaller implants then my first op, it has ruined my boobs!) as boobie greed sets in very easy afterwards xx


    Believe me hun Mr k hates the.big fake look he only does what is going to go on your frame honestly, if he thought 485 would look silly he wouldn’t do it. I have 460cc with Mr k high profile so they project more and even these arnt big and I’m size 6-8. You do loose some size too, even from trying sizers on in your bra. I had 380 before my revision and I pushed him for that cause he didn’t want them to look too silly on my frame. And he was super paranoid about giving me the 460cc. So do trust his word on size. Cause he wouldn’t do it if he thought its gonna look rediculous xxx

    Kirsty -4

    Mr kazzazi offered me 340 or 380cc unders, I’ve chosen 380 and I was worried they were too big, but like Beckie said he doesn’t do the big fake look, he wouldn’t give you a size that your body couldn’t handle,he told me he wouldn’t give me something silly and he said he will look after me bless him. I trust his decision xx


    I really would listen to him stephanie, hes a breast surgeon and really does know his stuff. He isnt a big boob surgeon at all although they seem big when they settle u will prob wish u had had that size! I had 340 MHP and I am a DD/E seems huge but suits me perfect!! Would reccomend him anyday! xxx


    Thanks everyone uv been massive help, it was only the fillet fitting made me feel I looked massive!! It’s just other girls I no have had 100cc less than me and look big :/ so do u not think for the sake 75cc it’s not make much diffrent look for the sake of a lift?? X

    Nicole -18

    I had mine last week I had 485 high profile and was a 32c I’m 8st7 and size 10 feel free to add me mine don’t look too big for my frame at all. And in clothes look very natural x


    I carnt understand why either he just said because if all the skin but u didn’t think I had that much skin, I’m a 34b now, thanks Nicole I have requested you x


    I didn’t think I had loads too but I had more than I thought, I had 380cc at first and it didnt fill the skin, giving me double bubble, and believe me you don’t want that its not too nice, because your having unders and Mr k says you have some spare skin you would need a bigger size to fully fill that its not like overs, they would fill it in a smaller size, but with unders the muscle restricts the implant from fully filling the breast tissue, hence why he will have said you need 485cc. They are not huge honest, iv such a small frame got a bottom but waist, tummy is tiny, and I could easily carry off bigger for my frame. Only time they look big is if I wear a push up bra xx


    Nicole thank you urs look so well I’m the same frame as you and I’m going medium profile do maybe slightly flatter than yours, but yes uv put my mind at rest how did u find clothes? With us being small frame is it difficult to wear Ur normal clothes xx

    Nicole -18

    I thought i was having medium profile at first but Mr traynor gave me high profile….I couldn’t be happier though. Honestly clothes are fine I’ve worn jumpers as I don’t like the big sports bra lol but you would never know I’d had them done when I wear a vest top I just have amazing cleavage. I am still wearing size 10clothes 🙂 the only difference is now I have big boobs without padding. I’m 11days post op now and they are so soft and my incisions are minimal (will put some pics up) xxx


    I met me kazzazi and I said I don’t want toooo big he said 380 best fr me cos I’m quite little but I could have had bigger. I trust what he says and his opinion of what is best for me. If your not happy then go back and see him and tell him what you’re worried about 🙂 X


    Nicole honestly they look fab il keep I contact with you see Ur progress if u don’t mind hunni. I think I’m going for it then 485cc lol xx

    Nicole -18

    Yeah no problem, I’ll be putting some more pics up later 🙂 good look and I hope it all goes well! You will love them x


    Hi Nicole can I add u please as I’m having the same as u x


    Hi holly, wat size were u before? And wats is mhp wat make profile lol? Can I add u please x


    Mhp is cui it means microcell high profile, some surgeons call it medium high profile though xx

    Nicole -18

    I’ll accept you now 🙂 x


    I was just do worried that they would look so big because everyone else seems to be having smaller than me even people I no have smaller than me and they look big aswel! But my minds at test just going for it trust mr kazzazi words xx

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