So upset Started by: Isabella

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    I’m a day away from booking my surgery date and my partner is just giving me grief about getting this done saying he won’t look after me or sympathise at all when I’m recovering and that I should stay with my parents throughout that period. He knows I’m finding it difficult to find the words to tell my Dad but keeps hounding on at me saying “when are you going to tell your dad”. He keeps saying things like “seriously how is it even going to change your life?” I’m sitting in bed in tears, I’ve been so excited and then every time I talk to him about it I just cry and he makes me feel like I’m an idiot for having it done. :'(


    Sounds to me like your boyfriend isn’t very supportive and being very inconsiderate to your feelings. This is YOUR decision,YOUR body and YOUR life it will affect!! Nothing to do with any body else if it’s what you want then you go for it this should be a very exciting time for you so enjoy it.. Good luck hunny xx


    Aww thank you @Jamie. I’m still really excited, I just can’t wait until it’s all over and done with xxx


    You poor thing πŸ™ dont be worrying, this is your decision and your boyfriend is probably just getting jealous about your procedure thinking that its going to change you and that it will affect you and him. This is all about you and he is being very selfish and inconsiderable towards you. Hope your ok, sending cuddles your way! Xxx


    Thank you @Emma it means so much. I am just going to try and ignore him and allow myself to enjoy the build up to having them done! Xxx

    CRx -1

    awe don’t get upset hun, i had mine yesterday and i found out from my childminder that my dad found out today… he’s not mentioned it to me though! i never found right time to tell him lol.. and as for your bf he will just be as emma says xx


    @Isabella I’m totally agreeing with @Emma on this!! My boyfriend is totally supportive he’s been to consultation to meet the surgeon and with me all the way.. Think he’s more excited than me haha.. I haven’t told anyone about my surgery not even told any of my friends – been very hard cos I just wana tell everyone xx


    I haven’t told my parents and its really added to my nerves and anxiety about my procedure. I’ve discussed it with them before and they just weren’t happy about the idea, so I’ve gone ahead with it regardless in the hope that if/when they find out they will understand. Its what I’ve wanted for so long and I know if everything goes to plan that I’ll be happy. Ultimately, thats the most important thing. Chin up.


    @CRx what size did you go if you don’t mind me asking?? Xx


    @isabella exactly this is your day and all about you, if it wasn’t then you wouldn’t be getting it done πŸ™‚ as all the girls are saying its about you being happy and him being supportive of you! I’m planning on having mine down this summer and even though my bf says I don’t need it he still saying if it makes you happy then I’m happy. He’s afraid of your confidence boost that you will get that your going to be flaunting them and getting someone else, as I have had some friends had that worry before, he should know that’s not the case. And if your worried about you dad he should support your wish too, I know how east it is for me to just say that, as I havnt told my dad either yet I’m planning to get mine and I know he will go crazy and not approve lol πŸ™‚ hope your ok and getting excited πŸ™‚ xxx

    kimbo 1

    this should be all about you and no-one else. dont worry what he think hun, its your body and you need to be happy. xx

    ChloΓ© -2

    Ignore him too huni, it’s your decision and how would you feel if you did what he wanted πŸ™ I know I’d be disappointed and hate him everyday! He’ll come round if he really loves you xxxxx


    It isn’t fair of him to be treating you like this, especially when it’s something so important to you. Perhaps you should sit him down and tell him all the reasons you’re doing this? Just let him know that he isn’t going to change your mind and he can either support you through it or shut up! If you don’t do it you’ll end up resenting him for putting you off the idea – it’s just not healthy.
    I still haven’t told my parents either, don’t worry about that though hun, it’s their job to love you no matter! It’ll all be worth it in the end πŸ™‚ xxx

    bella212 1

    Listen u dont need this right now esp js b4 ur surgry but since ur man still around to mek u feel lyk crap b4 u go in i say he aint gna shurup unless he has it hs way so u ignore go get ur boobs n if ders slightest bit ov luv in him for you then he wont let you suffer and walk out wen ur in pain yes he has told you his not going to look afta u but men r lyk dat dey neva say wot dey mean in other words dey neva mek sense just wait until after and if he can just leav u to it wen u need hm d most den his not really worth it is he hun xx hope you can relax

    bella212 1

    If its any consolation i aint told nobody my sis that will b tekin me to manchester is thinkin im geting vaser done lmaooo n i wish to keep it dt way by tellin parents i dont see why it should be done as parents will always worry and think of neg points dts parents for u wen dey see me looking blessed i might just drop it den lool


    Aww thank you so much girls, such kind messages. I booked my surgery date today and I’m really excited so he can’t say anything now! Just have to tell my Dad tonight lol so awkward – need to tell my dad because he would definitely notice lol.

    Thank you again, it really does mean so much xxxx

    Zoe Jordan 17

    It really breaks my heart seeing so many girls partners being so unsupportive of their surgery.
    My partner is actually paying for my surgery! (I’m having a breast reduction) and he’s insisted on booking two full weeks off work to take care of me.

    At the end of the day, our bodies are our own, girls! They’re ours to do with as we please and others can either like it or lump it! If men had a real valid reason for objecting to surgery, fair enough, I’d take it into consideration too but in hindsight, they have no right!

    I’m fortunate that my parents are also supportive of my surgery too.

    Julieg1 1

    Just make sure you look after yourself and hold your head up high . Your bf will come round after its done. He’s just scared. I’m 42 and haven’t told my parents yet (8 days post op) 42 and daren’t tell them how ridiculous. My sister knows and she was great and said when it. Comes to telling my mum she will help. Not telling my dad as I don’t think he knows if I’ve ever had a bust or not. He won’t have a clue (ha ha)


    @Julieg1 My mum is supportive but still thinks I should leave my body as it is but I am finding it so hard to pluck up the courage to tell my Dad – it’s not that he would be angry but it’s just awkward talking about my boobs.. to my DAD!! xx


    Ah I feel for u , my partner was supportive and come to consultations with me he would use it against me now and then in an argument
    I think they get insecure that once we have our new boobs were gonna pack up and leave them ,
    I agree with others though ur doing it for urself and ur own reasons if he loves u he will support u and be there for u .
    I didn’t tell my dad until the day before I went in lol I was scared but he was fine and he popped round Tuesday to see us nothing was mentioned but I know that’s his way checking up on me xx good luck


    Ah I feel for u , my partner was supportive and come to consultations with me he would use it against me now and then in an argument
    I think they get insecure that once we have our new boobs were gonna pack up and leave them ,
    I agree with others though ur doing it for urself and ur own reasons if he loves u he will support u and be there for u .
    I didn’t tell my dad until the day before I went in lol I was scared but he was fine and he popped round Tuesday to see us nothing was mentioned but I know that’s his way checking up on me xx

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