So upset, had bigger implants in but don’t look any different?! Started by: Rachel

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  • Rachel -34

    I’m so confused and upset, I had 345cc implants which made me a 32D and then had them redone at 550cc, when I woke up after surgery I thought straight away omg they don’t look any different, I’m 10days post op and could t help but measure myself, and I’m so devastated I’m still measuring at 32d, I’m so confused how is this even possible?! To pay over £7k is absolutely heart breaking, anyone else had the same experience? I just really don’t get it.


    oh Rachel so sorry to hear this 🙁 did you notice your boobs got bigger over time with your first op? 10 daya is still so soon you feel sad once the swelling goes but in a year they may be huge! a girl the same size I got is measuring 32H! maybe best to give it time xxx

    Rachel -34

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    Hey, nope even first time round people kept saying just wait for the “drop and fluff” I became so obsessed and each morning would get up and look in the morning first thing religiously and nothing ever changed that’s why I’m so upset this is going to happen again. Can anyone advise wether I’d be able to get revision for the surgeon to do them again as I can’t pay for a third time round when I’ve already paid nearly £12k in surgery 🙁 it’s so so depressing.


    What a shame 🙁 I’m not sure about revision as I didnt go with mya but I would certainly take it all the way for another op free of charge if youve got the same results as before! x

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