Hi everyone I am nearly 4 weeks post op and I have found recently my incisions have become a bit sore at the bottom and feel as though it is my post op bra that is rubbing against them. I got quite concerned this morning as they were looking quite red also. I tried to contact my nurse but had no response from her. I ended up going to A&E in the end just to ensure there were no major problems with them. The nurse there advised it looks as though the “knot/end” of the internal stitch looked as though it was trying to poke through, nothing to be too concerned about, but prescribed me some antibiotics just to be on the safe side to hopefully nip in the bud any infections that may occur! Since then, my nurse from the clinic emailed me with the following:
“That is probably due to constant pressure from the bra. Try and take it off for a couple of hours in the evening and wear something softer at night. That should help”
I thought I had to wear my sports bra both during the day and night? Does anybody have any suggestions about what I should wear or has anyone been in the same position as myself? I will try to attach some photos. Thanks girls xx