Heyyyy girls im three weeks post op tomorrow 🙂 lovely my new friends they seem to be just getting better! I tried on a few things yesterday i couldnt wear before my op to see what they look like ive added a new pic!
Just wondering does anyone no when your nipples
Stop hurting and when morning boobs stops haha xx
Hey Hun I’m 4 weeks po and my morning boob has gone but my nipples are soooooo sensitive. Sometimes I have to move my bra to let them get a bit off breathing space. :-/
Haha i just find in the morn they like ache and feel tight im still lay on my back all night so maybe thats why, does anyone sleep on there side yet? Aw thanks gemma im not alome haha, i do the same ive been debating on buying some nipple cream.. Xx
I get terrible morning boob it’s like lifting weights on my chest when I try to get out of bed. I only have one really really sensitive nipple and sore boob with pains my other one is bareable I was wondering if anyone else had the same problem? Xxx
Now I understand what morning boob is. Feels very hard to lift yourself out of bed! At the moment they feel very numb! Just slight stinging on my incisions and pain when I try get myself standing. Although they feel rock hard too at the moment. Hope all feeling comes back.
Hi, jay Danielle I’m 1 week po and my left is really sore but my right is ok. I also think I may have morning boob, as I experience what you ladies have wrote. . Xx