Sore/sensitive skin? Started by: JennaLouiseX

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    Hi girls, I am 3 weeks post op on friday, but on the top of my boobs the skin is really sensitive, it feels sore as if I’ve been scratching it but obviously I haven’t. It’s getting annoying now as my bra is rubbing on it, could this be the cause? Don’t know what cream to try? xx

    Laura -1

    Hi its because of the skin stretching , try not to scratch if ya can though, pat it a little to try and relieve the itch as for creams you shouldn’t really be using them yet but if it feels like you really want to, to help try baby lotions etc something gentle on the skin xx


    Thank you! Could I just use an emoliant cream? Like E45? It’s not itchy at all, just feels like it would if skin had been scratched, like a sore feeling :/ xx

    Laura -1

    Yea that would probably be a good one to use. Oh I see sorry 😛 yea try the cream to try an relieve the soreness 🙂 xx


    Hehe it’s fine 🙂 thank you, it’s frustrating me now, my bra keeps rubbing the skin 🙁 xx

    Laura -1

    Yea they are a complete pain in the arse them sports bra’s! I don’t no how you feel about maybe putting a bit of tissue there to see if that will stop the rub? xx


    Good idea! I will try that 🙂 xx

    Laura -1

    Lol I found it stopped my bra rubbing my incisions when I did that, it may not work for ya but worth a try I guess 🙂 lol xx


    Anything should be comfier than how it is at the mo lol xx

    Chloe 1

    I can’t feel my left boob its so weird it’s still really numb! When I touch it its such a strange sensation. X

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