Can anybody recommend a good front fasten sports bra for after op? I’ve already brought a shock absorber. But wanting a couple more. Id like a white one but finding it difficult to find a front fasten one. I’ve heard bad reviews on Macom ones? xx
Asda do a post op in black it fastens down front they also have sports bras front fastening
I brought a white and black one in them? Are they good? They look like they haven’t got much support so was a bit unsure xx
I have Macom, Asda, Shock Absorber (all front fastening) and being 11 days PO with small implants (250/275cc) I find that Macom is really comfortable and doesn’t sit on my incisions & offers enough support, Asda one is comfy but I feel like there is no support even with my small boobs, Shock Absorber is fab and I have used them before to the gym so it feels really supportive and is comfortable. How far post op are you? I started wearing over the head sport bras on day 8 and you get a few more choices with them xxx
I also bought a white La Isla one on ebay but it’s too small. Quality looks alright and material is quiet similar to Nike Pro sport bras so I might order another one in a different size
My friend has had 2 ops and she swears by Sportjock D3 front zip bra plus they go by your back size like Macom and come in black or white xxx
I got one just from miss guided 🙂 its very comfy and front fastening although im not sure if my zips broken but it wont separate at the bottom of the zip but I just step into it and pull it up over my bum!!! my boobs look fab in it too!! xx
Yeah that’s the one!! yeah ive found this too!! I got size 8 sports bra and my boobs are nice and snug!! I had 450cc/425cc and im roughly a E now (only a guess) I also brought a dress too in size 8 but that’s too big!! xx
I don’t have my op till this Saturday kristina, I wanted to buy a Macom one but I’ve heard Mr kazzazi has said there a waste of money so wasn’t gonna bother. I think I’ve just been looking at the sportjock ones so might buy one. Thank you 🙂 xx
Oh thanks Jessica I’ll have a look when I get home from work xx
Mr kazazzi recommended the 2 pack from asda for me x
I have some cheaper ones from sports direct usa pro they are the ones you pull Over your head but was only £5.99 and comfy and my nurse said they where supporting right x
Oh that’s ok then amy!
Yeah I’ll buy the cheaper ones from direct sports when I can lift my arms up and stuff xx
Hey CHLOE if your going to buy a cheep one from sports direct try the USA pro ones as they seem loads stronger then the other cheeper ones I work for them but stay away from the Lonsdale you they are quite weak xx
But if they don’t have your size in they have plenty more on line and you can order them in to the store
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