Sports bra suggestions/sizes Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    I need to order mine soon and i know there have been a lot of posts about this, but has anyone got any suggestions and website links for sports bras they preferred when post-surgery. Or where is cheapest for the Macom bra? I know some people have said but I cant find it cheap – still comes up as 36.80. Help please x


    I bought 4 sports bras, one macom, one shock absorber from debs and 2 cheap ones from Matalan and I’m not gonna lie my favourite one is one I got from Matalan and it was only £4!! It’s so comfortable feel the most supported. The macom is good and comfy but I don’t feel fully supported by it! Sometimes the most expensive ones aren’t the best xxx


    I hated my macom! It’s so ugly and horrible material, and for me it was not as supportive as the matalan/asda sports bras! Defo recommend them! xxx


    Thanks girls, do they have names or are they just the basic ones from Asda or matalan. Did it matter about being able to zip up at the front? I don’t want to pick the wrong one and find them hard to get on or that they dig in to my scars x


    The ones I got where just basic Matalan came in a box £4 each lol just check how they do up cos some you have to pull over your head, I accidentally got one of those and I have to step into it and pull it up rather than over haha. It is easier if they do up at front but I’ve managed without xxx


    Hi Charlotte are the ones from matalan and asda ones you can open from the front or back? Xx

    Rio 1

    Hi Emma how are you doing now? what size did you order ? I’m a little bit confused! X

    Sarah -2

    Tbh my fave had been the £8 front fastening from asda online! I bought a £30 odd one from boobydoo and it was so uncomfortable! Also just bought the 2 light support sports bras for £7 from asda and they are so comfortable! Sometimes paying more isn’t always better! X

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