Spotty chest Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe 11

    Anyone ekse suffering with this driving me mad. I’m not a spotty person atall and I have a rash thing on my boobs! Anyone have any tips

    Cath 75

    I didn’t get loads just the odd one but from day 1 I used johnstones baby wipes about 3-4 times a day and just wiped over my chest and boobs. Xx


    Yes!! Horrible, I had random little spots in the cleavage and on my actual boob for Just over a week after surgery, just got a hot soapy wet flannel and scrubbed really well in that area, probably doesn’t help we can’t shower and clean properly, I’m 3 weeks post op now and they have thankfully all disappeared xxx

    Chloe 11

    Driving me mad one boob is worse than the other! They’ve only started appearing last couple of days since I had the strapping removed! I think it’s the sticky stuff because I struggled to get off X

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