Spray tan and scars Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 41

    Hi could I get a spray tan 7 weeks post op is so what do I do about my scars? And when do you stop wearing the medical tape ?

    Claire 10

    My nurse told me I can tan my scars from 6wpo as long as all of my scars are healed (i have a stitch poking out so she told me to wait another 3weeks). Personally I wouldn’t tan my scars for 6months. Don’t liket he idea of scrubbing tan off them or it slightly staining them. I fake tan and I’ve been leaving a white patch around my scars – but I’m not getting my underboob out so it doesn’t bother me. I’d rather nice scars. Maybe put plasters or something over them?
    I didn’t go with mya so I’ve not havd tape on my scars since 7dpo so idk what to recommend for that. Email your nurse maybe?

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