Spreading some positivity! Started by: Jessica Loakes

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    Morning girls 🙂

    I’m 6 days post op, and I thought I’d spread some positivity on recovery for those who are about to under go surgery or those who are only a few days post op…. IT GETS BETTER, I promise you.

    Day 2 and 3 for me were by far the worst. My strapping felt tight and was rubbing, my new boobs felt like they were too big for my strapping and were going to pop and fall out of my incisions at any tiny movement (I understand now that is a ridiculous statement to make but my god it felt like it at the time!) they were heavy, tight, uncomfortable and sore. I couldn’t move without shooting pains in my incisions and I honestly was struggling. Sometimes the tightness was difficult for me to breath. And don’t even get me started on trying to sleep – my god I don’t know how all you mothers ever survived on no sleep with new born babies!! Sleeping up right has killed me, my back has taken a battering and I was waking at least 3/4 times a night for a good 45mins / hour before I was able to nod back off…. BUT…….. (I promise you the positive vibes are coming….)

    By day 4 I felt great. Not great where I wanted to jump out of bed and run a marathon but great compared to how I had been feeling. Everything had eased off. I was able to get out of bed before 2pm and able to have a bath. Which was just fabulous!! The pain has eased, the tightness had gone and the new twins were finally behaving themselves. Yesterday was day 5 for me and I went shopping with my mum, I. Was still taking it easy of course but for someone only 5 days post op, I couldn’t believe how great I felt. Keep on top of your meds ladies, I know how it can be but it will pass. I feel for you who are struggling to sleep upright – im still in that boat with you but it will all be worth it.

    I’m having my strapping off tomorrow afternoon and I can not wait to see the results and share them all with you. I’m a little nervous about the scars as you know I’ve had an uplift also but I know they will fade and in a few months il have the boobs I’ve always wanted.YAY!!!!

    Good luck girls, happy healing xxxx

    Kate 56

    Bless you, glad you’re feeling better! Good luck for tomorrow – can’t wait to see your results, beautiful xxx

    Angel 13

    I know exactly how you feel lol, even now I’m sure if I sneeze too hard my stitches will pop and the implants will come flying out haha
    Glad you’re feeling better, getting my strapping off tomorrow evening x


    Thank you Kate, I’m so bloody excited!

    Ah angel, me too. Well 5.30pm at Fitzroy. How exciting!! I’m a bit nervous to see the scars For the first time but I can’t wait to see my new boobs. I’ve tried to peep down my strapping but it’s so bloody tight and I swear my chins get in the way ha ha x

    Angel 13

    Oh I may see you, mine is at 5 🙂

    Chloe 122

    What implants did u have? Can’t wait to see Ur results I hope Ur be happy with them, my friend had an uplift about a year ago n u can’t really see her scaring now and she definitely is more comfortable with how they are now to how they were xx


    I have 250/275cc mod plus partials. I’m so bloody excited to see them this evening!! Will keep you all posted for sure 🙂 xx

    Alison 5

    Hi hun, glad to hear you are feeling better, I had my op yesterday and it’s so nice to hear that it gets easier!
    With regards to sleeping have you got an adjustable bed rest? Got mine from Argos for £20, that and my v pillow made sleeping last night not to bad!
    Good luck with your appointment today x


    Hey Alison! How exciting. How are you feeling?! What implants did you have? It does get better I promise, just hang in there. Take those meds religiously and take it easy!! The first few days I didn’t know going for a wee could be so bloody difficult lol.

    Yes, I have a bed rest, it’s been a life saver. I’m not uncomfortable in bed, it’s just my lower back is hurting so bad from being so still all night and at that angle. (I’m used to sleeping on my front and side!) I’m taking painkillers now for backache, not for my boobs ha ha

    Alison 5

    Hi hun, im feeling very sore and uncomfortable, I can definitely see what you mean I have only been in bed for the day and my lower back is killing me already!
    I had 400cc hp unders with Dr Fiumara
    Got 3 kids under 7 yrs so def looking forward to feeling myself again!
    How did you appointment go? Hope all well xxx

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