squelshing noise? Started by: linzi6184

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    I am 2 days po I had 520 overs Im experiencing no pain whatsoever which Im made up about but have noticed today that there is a squelsh type sound coming from my left boob? Is this normal? Its only very slight an every now an then. Could it just be water retension or some thing to do with the swellin or should I be concerned? X

    Stephanie -1

    Yes I squelched for Upto about 1 week.

    I might have also possibly had the odd Boobie fart!!

    Steph xxx


    Lmfao is it normal then. I haven’t had a single bit of pain I thought I would be unable to move for at least a few days but I’m completely fine lol. I was panicin this mornin I woke up an moved an heard this noise I woke my fella up sayin I think my boob has popped ha ha x

    Stephanie -1


    There is some air and some squished bit or you in there and they just seem to take a while to settle down 😉 it’s perfectly normal.


    Thank god for that. I was mortified thinkin it had popped I have spent forever saving up to pay for them. I was almost cryin thinkin I had broke them ha ha x

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