Stabbing pains and very sensitive but tatted period but very sore is that why? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi sorry to ask. Started my period but very very sore. Getting stabbing pains in my breasts now but have also had nipple sensation return in one breast and feel a bit like it’s on fire mildly. I know it’s probably all to do with being on my period but wanted to see if anyone had the same


    Started not tatted

    Tyler 38

    It could just be hormones seeing as through you’re on your period. I get the same when I’m about due xx

    Laura C S 13

    Hi Jules

    I had my op on Dec 20th. I occasionally get stabbing pains in my breasts. I asked the nurse in my one week follow up and she advised that if I had trouble breathing as well with the pains to go to the hospital. They are irregular so I’m not overly worried. Mine are not around the time of my period, there’s no rhyme or reason for me sadly.
    It may be worth a quick call to the nurse to put your mind at rest.
    L x


    Had a look online and seems to be nerves coming back still sore though! Looking forward to period stopping. Have complete feeling in one breast and nipple now and a third of feeling in the other breast no nipple sensation yet x

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