Starting to get nervous x Started by: Nicola Stacy

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    Woahh! Didn’t think i would be saying this but im starting to get really nervous. Is it normal to be thinking what if? I have really posative thoughts and and get so giddy at the thought of wearing gorgeous new bras and fancy bikinis on holiday and then i think oh no what if something goes wrong, ive told quite a few people as i work with the general public and ive had mixed remarks some people are completly behind me and said go for it nic, and others have said ohh your silly after all the controversy over the last few years. Im so excited i havent been able to hold it in and ive told like i say a fair few people. It might be my way of thinking (abit odd) haha but i think what if because ive told alot of people something may go wrong? I dont care what people think to be honest, my fiance and my family are supporting me and thats all that matters. Think i just need abit of reasuring words from some of you girlies. Xxx


    Hello lauren, my operation is on saturday the 24th with mr kazzazi. What size implants did you go to? How are you feeling now? I know everyone different and i hope im one of the lucky ones who isnt in much pain. Wow! 13 operations in 1 days that crazy isnt it. So glad your pleased with your’s, cant wait now im super excited xx


    Hey Nicola, I’m having my done in September with Mr Kazzazi, I don’t suppose you would add me on here so you can fill me in with how it all went. I know mine is way off yet but at first I was worrying (and that was before I even paid my deposit) Now I’ve paid it I was worrying at first so dread to think what I’m like when its closer to the time! It’s normal to feel nervous. You will, and we ALL will be 100% fine. And feeling even finer with our new additions 😉 Let me know how it all goes, I wish I was having mine done sooner I’m getting impatient xx

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