Starting to get really fed up of MYA Started by: Leah

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  • Leah

    Maybe i’m wrong to say i’m beginning to get really fed up of MYA as this definitely does not apply to the majority of the staff there, but I am starting to get very annoyed with the whole communication side of things. I feel as though I am trying to remember why I am spending an awful lot of money with them when the truth of the matter is, I can get this cheaper elsewhere and would probably have a better experience. I can’t say a bad word about my patient coordinators other than I am on my third one in a year. All three of my patient coordinators have been polite, friendly and so helpful, especially my PC now, Amanda at the Birmingham clinic, she is so lovely! Even though I could sit and say how amazing my patient coordinators have been, I can’t help but feel abandoned by the previous two as I was not made aware that they were leaving! Not sure if this is some sort of policy, but whatever, it’s not nice to feel abandoned, especially just before a massive life changing decision. I am petrified of needles but the Nurse at the Birmingham clinic was so nice and really helped me to feel relaxed. MYA Mod and the team that look through this forum and try to help the girls that are unhappy with something as much as they can – PERFECT. So polite to speak to and I really felt like I was finally being heard after they contacted me after seeing my forum post. The finance team on the other hand have told my mother and I completely different things regarding payments etc. This is now cleared up but this caused me a lot of stress and on top of this I have been told more than once that I should expect a phone call from them, and guess what, no phone call. Not too sure if this is me being unreasonable or not but this amount of money is no joke and honestly, I expected better service/communication for what I am paying. Has anybody else experienced anything similar?
    PS. Sorry for the moan girls! xxx


    What finance company does mya use? And was the finance in your name hun xx


    I’m exactly the same Hun! I’m on my second PC but I had some sort of rash a week before my op right where my scar would be, I rang mya 4 times and they said they’d get a nurse to ring me back.. She didn’t! I spoke to Ashley my PC and she said it’d be fine then i met my surgeon the morning of my op and nearly didn’t let me go through my op because of it which i wasn’t impressed about! If I’d of spoken to the nurse before hand I could of postponed my surgery so it wasn’t a problem! Like you said it just seems unfair for the amount we’re paying as a lot of places are a lot cheaper!xxx


    I’m honestly not even sure Claire. On my consultation with my second patient coordinator I was told that MYA have their own finance company, but I’ve heard it be referred to as a few different names when I have rang up or received a call. So confusing, wish someone would just tell me what’s going on! The finance is in my name but my Mom’s name is also on it as like a guarantor xx


    Oh no that’s awful! If they even considered not letting my op go ahead because of their communication mistakes I would absolutely hit the roof! At least you had it done in the end! Who was your surgeon hun? @sophiejohns xxx


    Ah right im hoping itl be okay as my bf going on as guarantor but heard sometkmes they have to be a homeowner which we arent! Do you know if that was what you needed xx


    I’ve had 3 PC’s too. The first 2 left, it seems like they have a high turnover of staff…


    Its stupid! I had mr moniere, not sure how you spell it!xx

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