Starting to worry now! Started by: RachelH

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  • RachelH

    Ok so I’m 5 days post op, had tsx 470cc so not huge implants! This morning when I got up outta bed I felt my left boob ‘slump’ as if as I got up the implant bottomed out! I grabbed it thinking the implant was gonna fall right out and was v careful for the rest of the day! I’ve just got up for a toilet trip and it’s done the same! Now the bottom of my boob is throbbing which I think is the incision and now I’m really worried? Do you think the implants moving about in there? It’s only my left one and when I get up from lying down? Still got all mg strapping on too???? xxx


    Hun I’m up with pains in my right incision im really worried too! X


    Rachel if your worried deffinetly ring up the nurse even if its just to put your mind at rest you dont want to be sat there worrying xx

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