steri Strips Started by: Jo

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  • Jo

    Just wondering how long I need to keep putting steri strips over my incisions ?
    I am 19 days post op & have 1 more set left & just wondered if I should get some more tomorrow ?

    Laura 13

    Its different fir everyone. Ur nurse should of advised you, give her a ring if ur unsure.

    I saw nurse at 8 days post op and she took plasters off and put steri strips on. Saw her again at 15 days post op and because theud been oozing/bleeding she put new steri strips on and told me to have a shower in 3 dats and taje them off after shower and then to put new ones on for another 3 days then thats it.


    Laura once you have had strapping taken off can you still not shower and do they give u the steri strips or do we need to buy them?

    Laura 13

    I didnt have strapping. Depends how ur healing im allowed to shower today at 18 dats post op and the nurse giv me the steri strips.

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