sticky blood!! operation may get cancelled ? Started by: clairex

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  • clairex 1

    Does anybody have sticky blood or antiphosphilipid syndrome? I was diagnosed years ago and only need treatment during pregnancy or after surgery. Normally I take low dose aspirin and give myself fragmin injections for 6 weeks after surgery (only ever had csection ) surgery is booked for 3 wks time but judging by all the information Mr mounir is asking my gp for I don’t think he is going to go ahead!! I am gutted find out for definite tomorrow xx

    clairex 1

    Thanks for the reply Bianca Mr Mounir had asked me to get my fragmin injections through my GP. My GP has given him a letter confirming my diagnosis and any treatment I have had for it but said that because it’s a private clinic they will have to supply my medication. I am still waiting to hear back from him. Fingers crossed he says yes. When is your op? Bet you can’t wait xx

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