Still haven't dropped Started by: Sarah Jones

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  • Sarah Jones 16

    Hi girls, so I’m 8 weeks post op tomorrow and my boobs still haven’t dropped. They’ve dropped slightly but not to where they should be, I can still see my scars when looking straight on at my boobs in mirror, is this normal and Am I just being impatient? They getting really soft so I don’t think I have cc xx

    Sophie 90

    Your still really early on, you dont get your full final tesult for at least 1 year post op. You should see that they even out more at around 4 month mark x

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun if u can still see your scars you defo haven’t dropped fully yet Hun. Your scars should sit under your crease once fully dropped 8 weeks is soo early I’ve just turned 4 months post op and mine have been changing loads these last couple of weeks xxxx

    charlie 52

    Mine dropped at 2 weeks they are far too soft and I had uplift aswell gutted wish mine were still stuck to my chest I’m 10 wks p.o. got a appointment with my surgeon in 2 weeks to discuss what’s going on think mine have displacement as my left implants is too far into my arm pit wen I lie down that it hurts x

    Becks 17

    @milliec9 I feel the same as u, I’m 9 weeks post op and I think tgyeve definitely dropped but I can still see my scars head on in the mirror too. It just feels like they won’t change much more, but I guess it’s just a waiting game xx

    Alf 11

    I’m 5 months post op and it’s only really recently i’ve thought that they look like my actual boobs not just stuck on! Honestly it feels like it takes forever as the first few weeks you’re constantly checking them in the mirror, but as soon as you stop doing that it seems to happen!

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