Still in pain Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m 3 days post op and still in quite a bit if discomfort and pain normally when I wake up and thought the worst of it had passed but I just get constant throbbing pains and my meds are due to run out tomorrow and there’s no way I’m gonna last without more painkillers, did anyone else have to ask for more medication? Xxx


    Hi jade I am 5 days post op now, feeling better today than I have done. Sorry to hear u r still uncomfortable + in pain. I would say days 3 + 4 are the worst, I was in a lot of discomfort on day 3 + I was really agitated as couldn’t get comfortable. I wake up very stiff in the morning but that’s just from being propped up + being still for a few hours. If u r unsure about the pain hun, u can always ring + speak to the nurse. I have rang her a couple of times x x


    Thanks Hun, yh I think I will ring her for some advice. It’s so frustrating and want to start enjoying this 🙁 xxx

    Mel -4

    Day 3&4 are the worst!!! By day 5 you willbe feeling so much better trust me xxx


    Oh I do hope so Hun, can’t wait for the next few days to be over xxx

    Mel -4

    I was like that aswel jade but you forget the pain so quickly afterwards 🙂 xxx

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