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  • Jolene

    I have been looking into surgery for a few year but was so afraid of getting put to sleep. Anyone else have such a fear of being put to sleep? Also how does your chest feel after surgery can you breath properly? At the moment I’m so flat chested. Will the feel heavy or struggle to breath?
    Thanks jo

    Hannah 214

    @joleneb hey Hun, I was terrified of being put to sleep as this was my first ever general. But in all honesty it was fine, I told them I was scared and the anaesthetist was wonderful, he said he wouldn’t let me know when he was doing it, so we just had a chat about food for ages until I slowly felt tired and next thing I know I woke up in recovery.

    I couldn’t really breathe at first, so I had oxygen mask for half hour. But after that I was fine. They feel a little heavy on my chest now, but in no way is it stopping me breathing xx


    @HANNAH thank you for replying to my post. How long is it since you had the op? When you mention you were struggling to breath was that because of the General?

    Claudine 196

    Please don’t let your anxiety about a GA ruin the excitement in the run up to your op you will be fine, i was also terrified of having one, i had an op called a Fentons Procedure around 12 years ago that really required a GA but i refused and had it done under local but 2 years later needed a laparoscopy they flat refused to do it without a GA so i had no choice, ive had another 2 GAs since including my BA and can honestly say once you have had one you will wonder what all the fuss was about, there performed in a very controlled environment, anethatists tend to be very calm and supportive and put you at ease, if you let them know on the day of surgery they will do their best to reassure you, MYA take all the steps neccasary to make sure all of their patients are suitable for a GA and allthough it does have small risks like anything else they would not perform a GA on anybody who has any medical complications that pose a problem.
    Some people love being put to sleep, i have never had any breathing difficulties after a GA, they do make me quite teary after 24 hours but it passes, good luck to you xxx

    Elle 2

    I was so scared of being put to sleep, I remember them inserting the cannula and putting the mask over my face, I was thinking oh no why am I not asleep yet what’s happening and then I literally just opened my eyes and I had boobs! Crazy experience!.
    I was totally flat chested before and they did feel a little heavy after the op, I kept feeling as though I wasn’t breathing properly but looking back I think it was just psychological as I wasn’t used to anything being on my chest ????.
    I’m 6 months post op now and I’ve gotten used to them, I can’t remember what boobs I had before anymore haha!
    It’s all worthwhile honestly xx


    Thank you ladies,
    It’s really helping speaking to others and hearing there stories. Looks like it’s not just me that is anxious about GA. Elle you mentioned that you were really flat chested I am too and don’t want them to look to fake which ones did you get?

    Hannah 214

    @joleneb yeah I couldn’t breath when I woke up but I think it’s just normal coming around from the general. I’m 3DPO now, they still feel a little heavy but I’m still heavily strapped up so I think that’s a lot to do with it 🙂 x

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