Still swollen after 3 weeks..?? Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 8

    Hi all, I had my op on 9th July and over the last 2 weeks my right breast has dropped and having little or no pain in it, however my left is still really high and really painful especially in the morning. It’s difficult to get up, and I’m back to taking pain killers at night for it. The skin is also really sensitive on that breast too. I’m not sure if it’s normal or if my bra isn’t supporting it enough. I’m wearing a breast band, and will be for the next 2 weeks too. I’m returning to work next week just really hoping it changes by then, as I have very limited movement on that side too. Can’t lift my arm higher than my waist. Anyone else had the same?xx

    Fiona 1

    I have had the same problem. My operation was on the 11th July, my left side after the opp was in complete agony and the right side had no pain at all. For the first week and a half I couldn’t walk around as the pain was unbearable. It has now started to ease however two weeks on this side is still a lot more painful and restricted compared to the right side.
    I think I had more trauma in the left as I had a bruise appear last week to the area that was in pain.
    I still have paid in both sides on and off through the day and when I walk around at all times.
    Mornings are hard as its a heavy ache. I too still take pain relief but have cut this down from what I was originally taking.
    Tried driving on Sunday. Still can’t drive as too painful to put in lower gears and can’t do reverse =[ luckily my partner can drop me too and from work.
    Are you using ice packs and ibuprofen ? These seem to help:
    Hope you feel better soon. I know how you feel, it is getting me down as I never thought the process would be so painful but it will right itself when ready.

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