Stitches driving me mad! Started by: laurajd28

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    Does anyone have any tips for dealing with itching around the dissolvable stiches? I’m a bit concerned as to why only one of them is itching.

    I’ve got big plasters over them and aren’t seeing the nurse until next Thursday, when they should hopefully be removed. It’s driving me mad!!!!

    Any suggestions???

    Laura x

    missmanace 2

    Your not the only one babe, mines doing the same on my right boob! I have to keep lifting the bottom of my sports bra to ease it!



    same here! lol i think they may be healing at different rates hun, nothing to worry about….im seeing the nurse on wednesday so will let u know.

    missmanace 2

    Im seeing my nurse on monday, had my op on Tuesday this week. Anyone have any idea how long it roughly takes for the stitches to dissolve/heal?

    Im very impatience lol.



    itching for cuts/burns etc, usually means its in the process of healing itself so i don’t think it will be long left :)


    Blimey, I only had mine done on Wednesday, so that’s fab if they are starting to heal already!!! x

    bethanie 1

    Hey – I wnet for my post op Tuesady gone and nurse told me about 10days for stitches to dissolve. I am 10days post op now and can still see them clearly by wounds are very neat and look well healed. I am suprised how quick the healing process is :-)

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