Hi, i stressed and stressed about this, they told me I HAD to quit smoking, when I went to see Dr traynor and I told him that I’m not going to lie and I smoke and don’t think I can quit before the surgery.. He said ” did I ask you to quit? This has clearly stressed you out more( I was crying 😂😭) and basically said there’s not much risk for breast enlargement, he’d more force it on breast reduction and uplift, he said everything’s too stressful enough as it is etc.. I’m not saying yours won’t make you quit, but I’d suggest waiting until you speak to the actual surgeon as I genuinely nearly cancelled my surgeon bevause I felt pressured to quit and knew I wasn’t ready
I got mine done last month, try not let it stress you out, ofcourse it’d be grwat if you did quit! But traynor was pretty adament in saying he wouldn’t reject me just bevause I do smoke and he didn’t 🙂 x
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