strange feeling Started by: heidi

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  • heidi 32

    Just been to our gym and trained chest and biceps…then realised that will be the last time I train for at least 7 weeks….A week today and I’ll be getting my 400 uhp unders 🙂 Woooohoooooooooooo! So excited!!! Anyone who’s had unders, how long was it before you could train upper body in the gym? I know in most cases girls have been told 6 weeks…but was wondering what it might be with having unders and lifting weights? Xxxx


    My surgeon said I can go back to gym 4-5 weeks and take it easy he said do what you want within reason as long as it’s comfortable it’s safe! And he suggested to try body weighted exercise first xxx

    heidi 32

    Thanks hun. I just though maybe with unders it may have been more. I have no idea what to expect…pain wise!haha. I handled child birth to my twins really well…so im hoping the pain will be manageable with my new twins!hahah. I seriously can’t wait now! Hurry up this week!!!xxxx

    Emma 16

    I’m counting down in gym sessions! Odd i know, but i’m going to miss it so much! 4 more this week & then that’s it for at least 6 weeks…xx

    Rhian 34

    @heidianne14 I’ve got your friendship request but it wont let me except it for some reason try cancel and send again and good luck with your op bet you can’t wait xxx

    heidi 32

    @emvh hahaah it’s funny ueah! Going to be so odd not being able to train…my partner is a personal trainer like you…I’m going to be gutted and jealous seeing him going to the studio/gym everyday.xxxx

    I’ve had to cancel it, it’s doing it to everyone that I add 🙁 can you add me please. I’m having 400 uhp unders from a 32A . kind of similar to you.xxxx

    Rhian 34

    Yea hun of course just added you feel free to take a look at my pics xxx

    heidi 32

    Thanks @rhianlou88 🙂 xxxx

    heidi 32

    Just had a good nosey @rhianlou88 thanks 🙂 it’s mad how much they change isnt it?they look really good! How long did u have to wear the strap/band for?xxxx

    Rhian 34

    Yea they have changed loads hun when i first had them done i was in a 34dd sports bra and was a bit naughty yesterday and wanted to try on a bra and i was a 32E The band has to stay on another week i had to wear it for 4 weeks can’t wait for it to come off its doing my head in now lol xxx

    heidi 32

    Wow 32e??? Hope I’m as lucky as u! I’m starting to get massive boob greed I think. I’m just going to keep telling myself not to expect them to be so big…then hopefully I’ll be happy with the outcome…otherwise I’m going to be like a child sulking! Ahhh so does everyone who has unders have to wear one? I’ve seen on here a lot of people with unders have had it…but some haven’t stated, so I wasn’t too sure if everyone with unders had it or if it’s down to a certain surgeon or what? I’ll ask in my pre op tomorrow, my surgeon didn’t mention it to me. But if it helps them to settle quicker then all well and good 😉 xxxx

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