Strapping… Started by: Emma-louise92

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    Oh my god getting this bloody strapping off tomorow cannot wait 🙂 soo exciting to see what I actually look like xx


    I bet you can’t wait! I’m going to be having the strapping (Dr Singh!) and I’m sure I’m going to be climbing up the walls wanting to see! Let us know what you think, bet you’ll love them 🙂


    I know and it’s been so uncomfy aswell so hoping that it settles down a bit all my aches and pains! And I will put a post up on what I think 🙂 so happy xx


    I have only had my strapping on a day and I’m itching to get it off!!! Xx


    I know it’s so tempting to take it off haha xx


    I can’t wait to have mine off either I’m only 2 days post op, can’t wait for next tuesday to get it off and see what they look like x

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