Hey girls. Just wondering if any of you experienced the same thing.. As the days go on, my strapping seems to be getting tighter and tighter each day? I just want to take it off to feel like I can breathe again! Also, I am SO itchy!
Thanks girls xx
I have had the exact same thing, I think it’s where I was taking my painkillers less and less though. And omg don’t even get me started on itching!! I am so frustrated I’d scream if it didn’t hurt my chest 😂 get my strapping off tomorrow though thank god. I’ve held a frozen bag of peas on the really itchy bits and it’s helped a teeny bit ha xxx
@maddier I have 350cc moderate overs 😁 they look so much bigger without strapping! I was so scared it was gunna hurt too but it was more like a relieving pain… Like massaging a pulled muscle or something haha. Hope it goes well tomorrow honestly the relief is amazing lol good luck! xxx