Strapping! :@ Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 15

    How bloody awful is this strapping stuff….feels so uncomfortable and itchy! I’m only POD 2 but I feel dirty and disgusting because of it!

    Also any suggestions on bra’s girls? I only have the one macom and need one for inbetween washes.

    Sorry for the boring random post…having a rubbish day!

    Cece 50

    Mine is starting to get really itchy too! Ive got my macom on atm and not intending on changing in to my other sports bras until my 7 day check up just because this one has the most support and i can wash around the strapping.
    M&S do really go post opp bras i got a couple of those ready for when my strapping is off. Hope recovery is going well? X

    Sophie 15

    hello lovely! How are you feeling?

    Yeah that was my plan to keep this on til 7 day check up but I feel super dirty as I’m in it 24/7.
    I think I’m just being a drama queen but ive had a super rubbish day. On my own for almost 12 hours now,
    friends that said they would come visit are now ditching me left right and centre, my mother has stopped replying to my texts….I feel a bit lost…any who I need to get a grip haha!

    Maybe ill just power through and purchase an M&S one at my 7 day check up.



    Hi girls I’m 3 days post op and I’m feeling the same! My strapping is driving me nuts, I’m ok when I’m sat down but as soon as I stand up or walk around it itches like mad! I can’t wait to have it off on Friday, have you girls been wearing ur bras over ur strapping? I was told I wouldn’t need the bra till my strapping has been took off? I was recommended by my surgeon to order a matalan one which I have but I have tried it on and it’s to small! Maybe I was abit under estimating by only ordering a 34c (usually 32 back thought it would make the cup size bigger going up a back size) think I need to order a D, what post op Bra’s do you have? Xx

    Sophie 15

    Its a nightmare @kaighley !!
    Yes ive been in my bra over strapping since I left hospital.
    I wasn’t told any different, to be fair I wasn’t told much at all!

    So frustrated!

    Ive just ordered a bra from Amazon for £15 in a 34 E to compensate swelling but other than that its just my Macom

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