Strapping- Cone like boobs? Started by: Wendy

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  • Wendy 6

    I’m finding it really hard to know what my boobs are going to be like as they just look like pointy cones at the moment due to the strapping. Is it normal for them to look so weird and pointy???

    Wendy 6

    Sorry here’s pic

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    Sophie 20

    Hi Wendy, yes, that’s perfectly normal. Mine looked like two torpedoes and I didn’t even have strapping, just a breast band. During the first week they are quite swollen and often don’t look too good, so probably it’s quite good that you have this time for them to settle a bit before you can have a look. Xx

    Holly 18

    Mine were like this too! I was fairly mortified lol
    I woke up only with the macom strap, & was told to only wear that. Then I had my post op apt 1 week later & she put my sports bra on too, which I helps MILLIONS! After wearing it for 10 days my boobs like absolutely normal! 🙂 don’t worry chook x

    Wendy 6

    thank goodness! its getting me down a bit as is making me wonder if all this pain is worth it since I cant actually see what they are like x

    Lisa 14

    Wendy mine are exactly the same! Don’t worry it’s normal from what everyone says!

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