Strapping off.. Started by: Kirsty

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  • Kirsty 21

    I posted the other day about feeling quite disappointed about how small my new additions are, but I have to say I do feel a bit better having seen them now that the strapping is off, they were so tight in there, they look a bit bigger now. Still wish I had gone for a bigger size and might consider getting them redone but at the end of the day I was completely flat chested before and now I’m wearing a 34C/32D which can only be an improvement!! Also the nurses at Fitzroy have been lovely throughout the whole time, for anyone that’s pre op at the moment I can safely say there’s nothing to worry about, even the pain isn’t that bad. Will post some pics later xx

    Danielle 131

    Hi hun,

    You just need to give it time they change so much, it’s hard to be patient I know that! I was in tears one day then happy about them the next lol

    You will for sure love them just give it time x

    Kirsty 21

    @destijl thank you lovely, you’re right saying it’s hard to be patient! I’m exactly the same in tears one day and then felt better today when strapping came off, and now starting to feel like they’re too small again lol but I’m sure you’re right it will just take time 🙂 hope you don’t mind me adding you x

    Danielle 131

    I felt exactly the same from my angle looking down they didn’t look the way I thought they would but it actually helps to look in a full length mirror or get someone else to look at them. Sometimes it takes somebody else’s view to make you feel better. My boyfriend has helped me a lot with it

    We’ve still got a long process to go through before they’re done changing so as hard as it is we have to be patient…which is ridiculously hard! Lol


    Kirsty 21

    @destijl Yeah other people have said to me that they look good, although I don’t think they’d like to tell me if they thought otherwise lol!
    I’ve got soo much bruising and a huge blister from the strapping which probably isn’t helping, is definitely going to be a long process before they start looking good, at least it’s nice to talk to other people going through the same thing 🙂 when did you have yours done? Xx

    Danielle 131

    Had mine done on 4th March 🙂

    I didn’t have strapping because I had Dr Traynor and I’m so glad I haven’t heard one good thing about it lol


    Hayley 40

    Glad your a little happier with the size hun. Nothing worse than boob greed. I know the feeling 🙁 xx

    Danielle 131

    @Kirsty I think I will be happy lol just want the swelling to go down really so I know of there is still going to be a difference between them x

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