Strapping off? Started by: Lauren greening

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    Hey looking for some advice I’m having my strapping of on Friday? Does it hurt? It’s so tight can’t wait to have it off?!


    only a little bit it’s more uncomfortable than anything but the nurse pulls it off so quickly it’s over before you know it x


    I want to ask the same question!! I’m having my strapping off tomorrow at Chelmsford. Really looking forward to getting it off because it’s unbearable tight but afraid it’s going to be painful! Mine is literally stuck to every bit of my skin. Take ages to just peel a little bit from the skin because it hurts. How was this experience for everyone?

    Jay 36

    I was really worried about mine because it was fused to my skin but came off in one go and wasn’t that painful, I just had red marks down my sides where it had been pulling but no broken skin. My boobs ached for a few days after because I was hunching over in the strapping coz it was so tight, then once it was off I could stand up straight which stretched the muscle more but that only lasted a few days x


    How long is before you can sleep normal? Back is in half at the moment! X


    I’m getting my strapping off tomorrow too! I’m sooooo excited to finally see the new additions but also so scared about the strapping ripping my skin! I’m glad I’m not the only one who is worried! Good luck xxx

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