So I had my strapping off today, and just uploaded a pic. There’s such a big difference to what they were like before…I just wasn’t expecting them to be so huge!! What do you all think? Will they settle and look abit smaller? Worried they might look abit too big. I had 450&500 hp partials xx
I don’t know about the getting smaller but I think they look amazing hun! Xx
Hi Abbie. I’ve sent you a friend request. I had 500cc partials done on Monday and I am quite worried about the shape at the minute so would love to compare to yours.
No probs I’ve accepted. I don’t know either why I don’t have the perfect roundness on top like a lot of people too as I really like that! I expected to as I had partials..
Hope your not mind the add xx
Does anyone know why I’ve not got that round line up top? Makes it seem like they’re not that high up…:/ hope they don’t drop more…what do you think?
Hi Abbie hope you done mind the add hun. I’m going for my surgery on the 5th so curious on knowing how the process has been for others xx
Hiya hun hope you don’t mind the add. I think that possibly the reason you don’t have the roundness you are expecting yes is that you won’t be completely healed yet. I’m no expert mind…only 3 days post op xxx
Have accepted requests. Thanks freya’ I really hope your right, I know they change so much and I shouldn’t worry just yet, it’s just that I’m so impatient, and I’ve seen others the same days past op as me and they have the roundness there and I don’t xx
hey hunny they look amazing if mine look like that when mine is off tomo i will be happy xxx
Hope you don’t mind the add hun. I’m desperate for my strapping off so I can get a proper look at mine. Happy healing xxx
How exciting!! I hope you don’t mind the add xx
Hi hun they look fab!! I think it’s overs that get the roundness at the top straight away. partials take a little longer as the muscle needs to relax on them. It’s pressing it down at the moment….. Or so I’ve been told. Happy healing hun I think they are a great size xx
Hi Annie I’ve added you as a friend, hope that’s ok
Thanks guys. I really hope your right amylou I hope I get the roundness there like other people with partials get straight away! I was abit unsure about them when I got home and had a proper look as they are bigger than I was expecting and It’s gunna take a lot of getting used to…but at least there’s not a lot of swelling and bruising, they’re quite even, and the shape isn’t really that pointy like a lot of peoples are at the beginning. So I Spose I should be happy and think myself lucky haha. I’ll make sure I update with pictures to show progression x
Thanks karolina, I must of just commented on your post as you wrote this xx
Hope you don’t mind the add, not sure what size to go, I’m currently 32B, would love to see your results xx
Hope u don’t mine the add
just getting round to accepting you all ladies. Thanks for the messages x
@kikij87 Yeah its the best thing being able to shower!! just abit of aching and slight stinging on one incisions but no pains as such. ive been working all day today and been absolutely fine and started picking up my 7 month old today which is ok too. howre you feeling? x
Hey huni well done my lovely they look fab with parts you won’t get the round on top as parts are under the muscle at the top and come other the muscle at bottom so you will only get the round on the bottom half xx
thanks @alexclarke78 yeah realised that now lol im srarting to get used to them now…they’re just alot bigger than I was expecting and dont seem to really be that high up…spose its very early days amd they can change alot still though. yours look great x
Hey hun they just need a little time as all the strapping pins them so really your body should lay off them soon and let them settle inn and do there thing you got the best of both world sweetie with parts I think he’s done a bloody awesome job on you I’m over the moon for you xx
Hi Abbie hope you don’t mind me adding you! My ops on 20th feb xx
hoya no problems ill accept now. nothing to be worried about honestly. my admission time was 10 am and I went down to surgery at about 2.30 it went so quickly though to be honest dodnt feel like I was waiting around
ages. everyones different with recovery. I was really worried about it but ive been really lucky and ive been able to do everything for myself from day 1. I drove today bht probanly could of after about day 3. but obviously your not allowed to until a week after. let me know if you want to know anything xx
My admission time is 7.30 in the morn! Early wake up call lol! What time did you leave or did you stay the night? Sorry for the 101 questions lol what size did you go for?xx
no problems with questions I was exactly the same! I had 450/500cc partials. I was odd sizes before. from an empty 34b/c what are you having? I left at around 8 I think. the day really flew by though. 7.30 is a good time. means you shouldnt be waiting long as they shouldnt run too far behind. and you dont have to wait too long to wat and drink haha x
@kikij87 yeah mines the one with the bogger implant in that stings abolit sometimes. I wear a softer not so supportive sports bra to bed and it feels really nice as its so tight all day in my zip up. cant wait to be able to sleepon my side though so uuncomfortable on my back howre you finding that? nurse saod my incisions are fine too but both of mine feel raised at the min and got a bit of bruising around both incisions xx
I’m having exactly the same as you 450 in left boob and 500 in my right as my are odd sizes high profile though! Did you come home the same day? Worrying about the journey home as I’m not staying there xx
@abbie11 I don’t like looking at my incisions so I just ask my bf to check them for me haha! Sleeping is a nightmare as I usually sleep on my front so I find it very hard and I can’t wait to be able to sleep at least on the side. But all this is so worth it cause we have new boobies! Xxx
katrina yeah we will be exactly tje same then as I had high profile too. are you having partials? and what size are you starting off as? have a look at my pics it might give you an idea of how yours could look. I was told I had to stay at a hotel as I love more than an hour away from hospital. I would of been conpletely fine to travel home that day though.
@kikij87 I cant even see the incisions unless I look at them in the mirror as my boobs are too bloody big haha. yeah its so hard. cant waot for my boobs to feel normal and not tender. just want them to be all squishy and not rock hard so o dont have to constantly worry about damaging them and ruining them while I sleep too. get scared of I slept on my side they would settle all lopsided haha xx
Ahh amazing when does your strapping come off? I have to wait 10daus for mine to come off! I live over an hour away they havnt told me to stay in a hotel though I’m a 34b at the moment how do I look at your pics I’m really rubbish on here lol xx
haha I have my strapping off already. click on my profile then click on photos tab. of your on a phone you might need to click on about me, then it comes as a drop down menu and photos is at the bottom. ive accepted your friend request so youll be able to view the pics. ill put more up tonight probably. what size are you hoping to be? x
Aw they look so good! Oh god Iv already got my sports bra! I got a 34dd! Did you change into a onsie/pyjamas after? Ahh getting excited now! 1 more proper sleep to go as I won’t sleep much tommorow as have to leave at 5 to get there lol!xx
honnestly I really think your gunna need alot bigger sportsbra than that!! but everyones different. nah I just put on leggings and zip up hoodie afterwards ahhh so exciting. o had a really great experience im sure you will too x
Ahhhh dear god! That’s just my luck lol what do you have to do about piercings do you no? You reckon I should go to an e in my sports bra? Xx
I wouldn’t like to say as everyone is different I can only say from my experience with my stats and those sizes that the 34e was way too small lol. Maybe just get the cheap asda ones in a big size as back up? Remember you’ll have the strapping and swelling too to deal with! Don’t know about piercings sorry. I’m pretty sure everything has to come out though xx
Yeh I’ll get another one from asda I think lol did you wear one with a zip at the front or just a normal one? Xx
Well straight after my zip up 34e wouldn’t fit so I had a backup nike sports bra in large. So that just about fit so I wore that one. I was convinced 34e would be pleanty big enough but obviously not. I’m wearing the 34e zip up now that strapping is off and swellings gone down but it’s still very tight, maybe too tight really. So I change it at night to a less supportive comfy cheap primark sports bra which feels soooo good as long as you have someone to put it over your head, then you don’t necessarily need a zip up one, they tend to be more expensive too anyway. I would just buy some in various sizes keep the tags on then u can always take them back which ever ones are no good. Better to be safe than sorry though I learnt x
Thankyou soooo much for all your help! Really apreciate it! shall let you no how it goes
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