Strapping pics up Started by: Jamie Leanne

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    Just added some better pics up, still in strapping but I’ve managed to take a picture where you can see how much they stand off, I couldn’t move my arms far enough away before haha! I’m still soo bloated I look like I’m pregnant xx


    The strapping is really starting to itch now too, did anyone else have this? Were part of it’s come away under my armpit I’ve got a few little spots like a rash? Should I ring the nurse or will I be okay do you think? Xxxx


    Wow Jamie they look fab. So in proportion. You looked great before though!! i’ve not had my op yet so don’t know about the itch. All i do know is the nurses are going to hate me as im such a scaredy pants..ill be calling them every min. Haha. So please for you they look great 🙂


    Thank you hun, feels good to hear people say there in proportion as I’m only 4ft 11 and it’s so important for them not to be too big for me lol. That’s what I thought Ide be like but I’m so scared of ringing for something stupid and them shouting at me haha! Had my boyfriend doing everything for me and today he’s gone back to work! It’s so weird trying to do all the little things myself. Thankyou 🙂 just can’t wait for them to look more round not cones haha xxxx

    Laura 1

    When did you have your op Jamie Leanne? I had mine on fri and my strapping is really itchy too, especially around the incisions underneath! I have cones ATM too, take a look at my pics lol! What size did you have? They look fab xxx ps. I have abit of redness where it’s peeling away under my armpit, sounds normal xxx


    I had mine Friday too! Oh atleast there’s someone else lol didn’t want to be the only one not doing well with the strapping! I had 380cc medium high profile unders what about you? Yeah me too a little red rash cannot wait for it off on Friday. I’ll have a sneaky look lol xxxx


    They look great hun, even when there cones it’s nice to have them fuller isn’t it xxx

    Laura 1

    I had 340 med/high unders 🙂 so very similar to you hun although I was only AA to start with lol xxx


    Yeah, well I was a 34b to begin with but even though they look quite full at the bottom the top was completely flat and empty! I just hope this pain and aching goes away soon I feel like I’m going to be like this forever xxxx

    Laura 1

    I know what you mean!! I had to give in and get in the shower today my hair felt horrible and full of dry shampoo, feel so much better now ive had one, was hard to keep my chest area dry though!! The strapping seemed to keep everything waterproof so hoping I got away with it 😉 xxxx


    My boyfriends been bathing me bless him haha! My mum came to wash my hair over the sink the other day so it’s definitely due for been done again! It just makes it worse feeling unclean aswell as been in pain! I just want a good scrub haha xxxx

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