Strapping Pics Up Started by: Zoe

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  • Zoe

    Hi Ladies
    I am 1 day PO.. and to be honest I have been pretty uncomfortable. Think its mainly the fact that i cant sit still for 5 mins so i want to be up and about doing things. I took a slow walk to my mums earlier to see my little boy as i really miss him (hes only been gone since this morning) and i think i am going to go out for dinner tonight, Only somewhere local and comfy. I have finally uploaded a couple pics of my strapping. Im not going to upload a pic of my ‘before’ until i have the strapping off (which cannot come soon enough 🙂 ) xxx


    Hey hun. sorry to hear you have been uncomfortable. Aww bless, bet it made you feel better seeing your little man though? When do you get to have your strapping off? I bet your excited for when it does get to come off so you can finally see your new additions =) xx

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