Hey Ladies,
So I’m PO3D, had 300cc MP Unders, I am really swollen and sore. I still cannot get up and sit down unattended. I am very sore around my armpits and back aches like hell. I have been strapped up and had my Macom bra over the top. Was this the advise anyone else was given? It seems as though pictures I’ve seen on here everyone is just in there strapping garment. I have had both the strapping plus the Macom bra on since the operation but have found it way too tight so have taken the Macom bra off whilst I’m not mobile. I’m sure the nurse said this was ok. Dr M said I wasn’t to ware the breast band until he checks me on week 2 when sutures come out.
I have no clue what my new boobies look like and just cannot wait for the strapping to be removed Wednesday. I will upload before and after pictures once strapping comes off.
Hope everyone else is recovering well. Does anyone have any pictures of 300cc MP unders that I could see as I’m curious to what they will look like.
Morning Zoe, I feel your pain! I’m also wearing the band over the strapping and Macom which is so uncomfortable and digging into my armpits! I haven’t spoken to the nurse yet so not sure if she will ring before I see her next week but would be nice to have a break from it for a while. I’m mainly having problems on my right side and my rib is killing and under my boob! Surprisingly my belly hasn’t caused me any pain really which I thought would be the other way around. X
@molly – Do you mean the breast band? I mean the actual Macom bra, they put this on me when I was waking up from surgery. Although I was told I could loosen it and take off when I was resting which is what I have done. I hope that’s ok, I really don’t no. I may email the nurse just to make sure.
I came out of surgery with just the strapping on and the Macom breast band. The following day they put the macom bra on. Everything is so tight and uncomfortable but it’s not going to last forever but at this very moment it’s so uncomfortable. X
Hey Ladies
I called the nurse she asked who the surgeon was and said I could take th Macom off to rest if it was so tight. I ordered the M&S bras but they didn’t fit well so just put my Macom back on to sleep. The Matalan ones came today much nicer fit but I think not as supportive as Macom on the cup.
I’m just having the strapping alone when it all gets too much then Macom at night and see how I get on with Matalan in the day.
Do you have to wear breast bands for unders? I had overs and no one has mentioned this breast band to me.
Will be a dream to have the strapping come off I don’t get why some surgeons use it and some don’t ?
I know how you feel!! I’m 5DPO from 275 unders and I’m so sore, all the places you have said. I had Mr Traynor, so no strapping only my
Macom. But I’ve barely taken it off either. Good luck on the recovery… I know how horrible/bad it is right now xx
@LJ – yes I got told the same thing, I can loosen the Macom bra and take it off whilst sitting down but not to walk around without it on. the strapping is so so tight, it’s almost unbearable. Is anyone getting the odd twinge here and there in the breasts. The back pain? The feeling of bubbles or something moving around as strange as that sounds.
I’m hoping day 4 onwards will get better, can I ask how everyone is sleeping as I’m having trouble.
Hi Zoe
Sleeping all I can manage is 2-2.5 hours in one hit then I wake up with horrible back, neck and shoulder pain I have the batwing pillow which is supportive I just think it’s sleeping upright that is the issue.
Had Lots of odd sharp pains but not had the air bubbles but I’ve read on here that’s normal.
Hope everyone gets a good nights sleep tonight xx
I must admit the full tummy tuck is a walk in the park compared to having my boobs done!! I have pain from my neck, shoulders, chest, ribs and it feels like when I had my children and I needed to express the milk before they exploded! I still have the problem when drinking and I’m burping at the same time Like trapped air. I suppose I was so flat chested and fitting the implants in then squashing them down with the strapping is good ng to cause this. Roll on another week and hopefully will be a lot more mobile, I currently get stuck in the chair needing help to get up so sad times at the mo but we’ve done the main part we just have to recover. I’m also only sleeping an hour or 2at a time. X
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