Strapping problems Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I had my op Tuesday and have had hardly any pain at all. I don’t find the strapping restrictive or annoying but it has gave me a rash on my sides which is really itchy and burning? Is this normal?
    I’ve kept my sports bra off to allow my skin to breathe but nothing’s helping, and sudocrem only lasts for a little while and doesn’t stop the itching.
    I’m not getting my strapping removed until Tuesday but I don’t think I can deal with this rash for much longer!

    Lauren 3

    It’s really weird they took my strapping all off the next day….. The nurse said my nipples needed to get to the air because I had the uplift but I’m worried now they’re going to drop!


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    Have you got a good supporting sports bra to wear? I actually like having the strapping because I feel supported but I can’t bare the burning itch
    Will they put strapping back on you?

    Lauren 3

    Ive got the Macom one on and they just dressed the incisions with like little pads x

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