Strapping removed finally! :-) Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    So just had my strapping removed. Feels really strange no but glad that bit is over. Incissions healing well although very bruised especially my right which is black underneath. Got steri strips on which i need to remove myself in 8 days. Not got to go back now for 5 weeks unless i have any problems which i thought was strange? They look abit odd at the min 2 different shapes my left seems to have come in a little but my right still has alot of side boob so need to catch up xx

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    Mitch 39

    Looking good hunni they look massive to xx

    Mae 79

    Looking good Laura! I’m only 1dpo and can feel my right side boob more than left already so I imagine I’ll be the same!!
    You happy so far? Xx

    Meg 30

    @lauraj1987 did you ask if you had any stitches to remove? If you’ve only had dissolvable stitches it’s normal that you don’t go back x

    Laura 143

    I fogot to ask about stitches but im assuming so with me not going back for a while i will double check though. Yeah i am happy so far i know they look odd but its all part of healing just need to be patient. I hope they dont go down too much when the swelling goes because i like the size just need them to drop an fluff xx

    Meg 30

    @lauraj1987 you can check, the non dissolvable stitches are blue. Others are white I think. Non dissolvable are definitely blue tho.
    Did you have unders or overs? Xx

    Laura 143

    I had unders, 400cc hp xx

    Claire 33

    @lauraj1987 Your’s look a good size Laura 🙂 i had quite abit of purple and yellow bruising when i had my strapping off too- all bruising has gone now and im 16 days PO.

    My boobs look quite odd as well- my right boob seems to have dropped a little and is more nearer to my armpit, if that makes sense? Whereas my left looks smaller now but hasn’t dropped at all and is more inwards than the right!

    Hope they settle soon and look more even!! Good luck with your recovery too 🙂 xxx

    Laura 143

    I know i cant wait for them to look normal but i did expect them to be funny looking so i wasnt shocked lol its just annoying isnt it im an impatient person anyway so i just want these next few weeks to hurry up an pass lol thry do look to be a good size but only 5dpo so i think they will go down an then il be gutted lol. An yes i know what you mean, hopefully they even out soon lol what did you have xxx

    Laura 143

    Is this a stitch sticking out at the end? Should i cover it? 1wpo today xx

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    Mitch 39

    I’m not sure if it’s a stitch hun it could be…..didn’t you have dissolvable ones? Xx

    Laura 143

    Yes they are the dissolvable ones but why is it sticking out? And how will that dissolve i dont get it lol xx

    Laura 143

    Just spoke to Kaye one of the nurses she says it will be fine an it will dissolve in time but she said if it get irratable or starts bothering me to go in on tuesday afternoon an she will sort it xx

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