Stretch marks Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi ladies,
    Just wondering if anyone could recommend a good stretch mark cream? I’m 3wpo and have quite a few silvery stretch marks on my boobs.. a long of these are old from breastfeeding (I went from a B to FF!!) but after having my BA they are more noticeable as the skin is stretched out again! I’ve been using bio oil Since the strapping was taken off but obviously not near the incisions.. has any one had an improvement using bio oil or anything else? Xx

    Samantha 14

    I’ve always used palmers coco butter on mine during and after pregnancy x

    Laura 24

    I’ve been using bio oil on mine every other night and after a couple weeks I can really see a difference, although they weren’t horrendous to begin with tbh xx

    carly 1

    Derma mum oil is amazing even on old stretch marks I swear by it x

    Lauren 29

    Look for qv cream. When i was 3 weeks post op, I had emergency surgery to remove a burst appendix, and my nurse there used to be an implant nurse – she recommended this over anything for both my implant scars and my other surgery scard on my stomach. She said it reduces them to merely a wrinkle! x

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