Stretch Marks Started by: Kate

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  • Kate 18

    So I had my consultation with Mr Traynor tonight. I’m currently a 34a/b (asymmetrical!) and Mr Traynor offered my between 325-450cc overs – ideally I’d like to achieve a D cup roughly. He mentioned stretch marks as one of the risks when he was going through everything with me… It’s really not something that I’ve ever thought about and it’s got me really worried!! He said it’s a risk in every case, but my skin doesn’t seem particularly tight however it is still a risk and even more so in my slightly smaller breast.
    Just wondered if anyone has had any problems with stretch marks or has any proven remedies to prevent them? I was so so so excited until tonight and now I’m really worried! Thanks guys 🙂

    Trace 158

    When I was pregnant i used bio oil twice a day as soon as I realised I was expecting. Thankfully I never got one stretchmark as my skin was softening with each application! So you could use bio oil up until your surgery (I think, but best check with your PC). However I don’t believe you can use it immediately after!


    Hi Kate , don’t worry about it I have Mr traynor tomorrow and he advised that I moistuise and used lotions to prevent stretch marks… I’m only an A. And I haven’t really seen any other girls post about having them! You’ll be fine ! Xx

    Mae 79

    Hi Kate, you sound pretty much the same as me. When i went to see the surgeon she didnt mention anything about stretch marks, but she did say as i was quite small i would only be able to go up to about a D size as well. I presumme this would be why; to help prevent stretchmarks.
    But then i thought well surely theres a lot smaller girls which get much bigger impants?!? Sooo bit confused

    Kate 18

    Thanks ladies! Hopefully I’m overreacting… I’ll ask my
    PC about using bio oil before my surgery – I had an operation on my leg about 4 years ago and used bio oil on my scars which really helped to reduce the appearance of them.
    I suppose he had to go through all the risks with me, it was just when he mentioned it it got me panicking a bit!
    Don’t want my nice new boobies to be covered in stretch marks, especially when I’m not actually wanting to go that big in the first place! Xx

    Kate 18

    Ps Hannah good luck for tomorrow! Xx

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