Stretch marks and veins! Help :( Started by: Hannah

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  • Hannah 5

    Hi girlies x

    I am 17 days post op, i had 360cc teardrop over the muscle x they are amazing to look at although i wish i looked bigger when wearing clothess haha x

    Anyway – over the last two days deep purple stretch marks have appeared around my nipple, i am gutted! any suggestions for helping them fade, and does anybody know if they will get worse or fade naturally

    Also, my veins are very visible at the moment, you can see all of the blue lines all over my boobs as my skin is very fair, does anyone know if this will subside or will you always be able to see them now?

    thanks girls xxxxxxxxx

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    Hey. Stretch marks will naturally fade over time but this can take longer for some than others. You can massage things like bio oil or coco butter onto your breasts which will help prevent further stretch marks and hopefully start to help the other ones fade.
    Your veins on the other hand is a harder one to judge. This is caused because there is little breast / fatty tissue between them and the surface of your skin. The reason it is more obvious now is because your implant is pushing them towards the surface of your skin. If your still swollen then as the swelling goes down then so should the obvious veins. Your breasts dropping should also hopefully help to reduce the visibility.
    I wouldn’t be too worried. Xx

    Gem jay 19

    You could also try Rosehip Oil, a company called Trilogy do a lovely one you can get at Holland and Barratt. It’s a dry oil so not greasy and is wonderful for wrinkles, dry skin and stretch marks. I use it on my face amd it’s lovely x

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