Stretch marks! Devastated! Started by: Lauren

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  • Lauren 1

    I’m 7 weeks post op and literally over night I’ve woke up with horrible red stretch marks all over my left boob! It looks horrible in devastated! I loved my boobs and the results but I can’t even bear to look at them now! I know It was a side effect which occurs a lot but everything was going so well up til this point! I’ve bought bio oil and I will be using it 3/4 times a day. Any other tips?? I’m so upset. X

    Freya 70

    Aw hun that’s not good. Have you not used anything on them up to now? I’ve been taking vitamin e supplements and you can also get collagen ones, go to Holland and Barrett they can advise better. I’d also say to stay hydrated helps. Your body needs 2-3 litres of water per day. Hope this helps, try not to worry too much xxx


    Hey Lauren I use johnsons bady care skin perfecting oil for strech marks and you need to smooth out the starch marks with it xx

    Lauren 1

    Thanks girls I’m just so gutted! I’ve bought the palmers stretch mark cream as well, I will go to Holland and barrats tomorrow, I was told not to put anything on them until I’ve had my post op check up with the nurse, which is Tuesday! Xx

    Amy 265

    I have been told same no moisturisers till my 6 week check and the skin on my boobs is so dry it’s driving me insane x

    Karolina 42

    I think MYA should make sure that the nurses are being trained in the same way since I was told I can moisturize my boobies avoiding the incisions. @Lauren hun I’m sure with oil and vit E they will fade away xx

    Kayleigh 36

    I’ve been using coco butter from day strapping was off. Only on top thou not bottom.


    As the girls say use the lotions and oil and they should fade with time babe x

    Lauren 1

    Yeah I was told the same as you @amy so I haven’t been using anything and they appeared so quickly! Will be using oil and moisturising like mad to get rid of them now! I will see what the nurse says on Tuesday as well x

    Jessica 3

    Ah no !! That was always my biggest fear about getting them done .. I already had little ones on and I used bio oil before op like straight after my consultation .. And then literally soon as I could I was putting it on again .. I don’t put it anywere near my bandages but I make sure they are never dry .. Hope you get sorted soon xxxx

    Nicola 12

    I already had little ones put been using the palmers skin therapy oil 3 times a day (2 weeks po) I just avoid putting it near the incisions. Keep hydrated drinking lots of water helps if your skin is hydrated in avoiding getting stretch marks (2-3 litres a day) hopefully that should help x

    Beth 9

    Ask about using a derma roller. This may be a completely idiotic suggestion, so please forgive my stupidity if so haha! They won’t be red forever but make sure you do treat them now as you’ll have more chance of them being less visible when they turn white. I used to use loads of stuff such as a mixture of coffee and baby oil, exfoliated my body with it then wrapped my body and cling film, put my clothes on and went about my day (extreme, I know), bio oil on body and in baths, lemon juice, aloe Vera gel etc… There are so many home remedies to try and help but you’re definitely best discussing this with your PC or surgeon x

    Natalie 13

    I was told not too put any thing on for 8 weeks im 9days post op but stuff that Iv been rubbing it in to just the top of by boobs and round the sides keeping away from incisions as they were so dry. Hope they fade for u hun.xx

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