STRETCH MARKS?! Help! Need advice… Started by: Rachel

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  • Rachel 12

    I got my breast englargment in August, I went for 400cc unders which took me from a 32A to a 32DD. I’m over the moon with the results but in the last couple months I’ve gotten some deep pink stretch marks around both breasts, I’ve tried to attach a photo but they don’t look as bad since it’s so dark but they’re very noticeable in daylight. I’ve tried bio oil, palmers coco butter for stretch marks and boot scar cream but they haven’t faded at all. Does anyone have any tips? I’m just worried about when I’m in a bikini on holiday them being noticeable, so happy with my boobs just disappointed at the deep stretch marks!

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    Saff 67

    Hey Rachel, stretch marks take time to fade, pink marks mean they are fresh, white are when they are healing and fading. Keep applying the bio oil to prevent anything further, usually aloe vera gel should help as well!x

    Stacey 498

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    Hi Hun I’ve got stretch marks and use coconut oil and it’s help loads with them also drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated will stop then getting worse Hun xx


    I heard Mama Mio “goodbye stretch marks” is like the best on the market, apparently you have to use it consistently for a couple of months to see results. I’m just 10 days post op and have ordered some so fingers crossed. I think whatever cream you use you just have to be consistent with it 🙂 xx

    Rachel 12

    Thanks so much girls! I’ve heard coconut oil before I’m going to try it and if that doesn’t work I’ll try the mama mio. It’s such a shame I’m so giddy about these new girls but when I’ve worn revealing tops I have to put foundation over the stretch marks 🙁 xx


    I think yours look amazing Rachel, I think we can be so critical when it’s our own body though. I read most stretch mark stuff you’re supposed to massage it on three times a day and it can take like three months to really see results so I guess you just have to keep at it 🙂 xx

    Rachel 12

    Thank you girls! I have been trying coconut oil and bio oil still not much has changed and I’ve been massaging it into them 🙁 just difficult as if I want to wear a revealing dress you can see the stretch marks straight away 🙁 xx

    Lauren 4

    Sorry to jump in your post! Just wanted to say rachel your boobs are actual goals!! Who was your surgeon if you don’t mind me asking?

    Also I know a lot of people don’t agree with it but I find the sun beds help so well with stretch marks, not sure though if you have to be careful after BA Xx

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