Stretchmarks!! Started by: louisemullis

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    Hey, I currently have a few stretchmarks on my boobs and was wondering do they get worst? Is there any creams that can stop it or help after the operation?
    Thanks xx

    Faye 14

    Stretch marks are a risk… I oiled mine for a few weeks before, bio oil is good to use after.

    Rebecca 29

    I was gutted too when i found stretch marks and then a few more appeared i was like noo??‍♀️? i started putting bio oil on twice a day and now they don’t look too bad and i’m back to being happy with my boobs x

    Alex 45

    This is absolutely normal as your skin has stretched so much very quickly. Make sure you use bio oil leading up to Surgary and then also after only when they say your allowed to that is. I’m 4 weeks post op and can’t wait to be able to get some oils on them. Xxxx


    Thank you girls! I will buy some tomorrow xxx

    Charlotte 15

    Hi hun my boobs were covered in stretch marks before my op. Current 4dpo and they aren’t horrendous maybe a few more buy nothing bad. I have the out look of having the bigger boobs I’m more confident with outweighs any stretch marks and they can fade over time. Hope you’ll be okay! Bio oil is also a must.❤???

    Rali 41

    Honestly I had a lot of stretch marks before my surgery due to breastfeeding for 2 yrs and loosing 25 kg. Now still I have them but they are barely noticeable. On point are my new ?? boobs???. After 6wpo appointment with the surgeon now I use oil daily to prevent more stretch marks to appear


    That’s great girls, thank you for sharing!! ❤️❤️Xxx

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