struggling to be excited Started by: Nicole

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  • Nicole 41

    Hi girls. I made a post last Thursday about mya needing confirmation that I have been discharged from my pyschiatrist (it’s really not as bad as it sounds it was a self referal with a private dr I’m not a nut job) well fast forward to today I have since spoke with him and hhe has confirmed with me on the phone that I have indeed been discharged (I did know this) and the letter is being written and sent tomorrow. However mya also asked for him to disclose on my current mental stability and in his words he can only comment on how I was then not how I am now as he hasn’t seen me since mid July. This one thing has me so worried as if he can’t comment on my current state (which is good) then he can’t give mya the answers they are looking for. I’m so confused about it all as my PC is certain they just need confirmation of discharge but I’m worrying as if it was just that then why would they ask about my current mental stability. My PC is away til Wednesday and i’m sat wondering if I can get excited or not. I feel like I’m preparing for the worst and hoping for the best at the moment. I’m stuck in limbo until they recieve his letter. I have 11 days til my op 🙁 I know it will probably be fine but Huff. Sorry girls I just needed a rant xxx

    Sophie 123

    Oh Hun how frustrating and defo not what you need 11 days pre op! I’m sure they’ll see since you were discharged quite a while ago and self referred then there’s no cause for concern with your mental state. Such a rubbish situation. I hope it gets sorted soon and try not to stress too much (easier said than done I know) xx

    Lucy Anna 146

    try not to worry too much. what sophie said seems right, i hope it all works out xx

    Nicole 41

    I’m wondering if it’s worth phoning his secretary and asking if it would be ok if she could fax it so it’s sent more instantly 🙁 I hate this I’m supposed to be excited but I don’t want to jinx myself. I’m probably being really stupid but I’m normally so organised and on top of everything and this is totally out of my hands :-(. I’m hopeful that everything will be okay but obviously I’ve got that massive what if it isn’t in the back of my head. Xx

    Lucy Anna 146

    I don’t see why you can’t call them & ask it to be faxed! It’s not fair on you, yours meant to be excited but you can’t because you have all this worry. I would get on the phone to them to get it sorted ASAP! Good luck babe xx

    Nicole 41

    My PC suggested I ask him if he would hand it to me to fax as I only live down the road from his office which I thought was a fab idea but he refused. I can sort of ununderstand why. Only just thought of the fax option this morning. It’s horrible not knowing. And I know i shouldn’t get myself so worried about it but it’s so hard when it’s something you have so desperately wanted. I’ve found his secretarys number so I’m gonna give her a call about 10 and see if she will fax. I really hope she does as then it cuts off posting time and hopefully I’ll get an answer sooner xxxx

    Sophie 123

    You’re not being silly at all, I’d be so stressed if this happened to me aswell! I would defo phone and hurry them up a bit as its so unfair to you. It sounds like they just need it to back them selves up and have it on file as I’m sure if they were concerned they wouldn’t be going ahead with the surgery and would have cancelled by now so they could get someone else in. Keep us updated and got my fingers crossed for you Hun xx

    Nicole 41

    Well I plucked up the courage and tried there was no answer but it was my actual pyschiatrists number not the secretarys (even though it’s listed as secretary) I suppose I’ll call him back but I feel like I’m wasting his time. Especially as he informed me his secretary was the one writing it up today not him. I wish I could get hold of her as I feel like I’d be more able to speak with her as that’s more her job iykwim? X

    Sophie 123

    Don’t feel like your wasting his time, I’m sure he’ll understand how important this is to you. Get what you mean about speaking to her. If he answer maybe just ask to be redirected to her line. If you explain to him the time pressures hopefully she’ll hurry it up. Can’t take her that long to send a fax surely lol xx

    miley 17

    i would fax them it’s your opthis has cost you a lot of money if they carnt comment on your mental health today than they will have to take your word or maybe a close relative/friend could put in a good word for you. the only people affecting your mental health is them! putting you threw all this stress, xx

    Nicole 41

    Just spoke to him. He’s agreed to fax it. I’ve just emailed him myas fax number for Chelmsford. It should be sent today. So I’m gna phone mya in the morning and pray to the high gods that is there and that it’s ok. I may possibly sell my soul tonight too, you know just to make sure hahaha! Fines crossed I’m nearing the end and I get an answer tomorrow. This has been up in the air since Thursday and ill be so glad when it’s sorted. I’m just hoping I get the answer im looking for xxx

    Sophie 123

    I’m glad its getting sorted for you Hun. Ridiculous to put you through all this before an op which is stressful enough on its own! Good luck xxx

    Nicole 41

    I understand why they have to check all these things. But my goodness it’s awful when your just sat waiting for an answer. Especially as all you girls will know it’s something that is so so important to us all x

    Sophie 123

    Have added you as a friend, hope you don’t mind. I can imagine! Specially as it’s something most of us have already waited quite some time for with having kids etc, defobdon’t want any further delay xx

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