Struggling with recovery Started by: Emily

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  • Emily

    Hi girls I’m day 3 po and really struggling had my 3 year old back last night and I feel so guilty I can’t take her out or anything . I’m feeling overly emotional and keep crying !! Is this normal ?! My partner hasn’t been totally supportive since coming home from my ba so I’m getting the whole I told u so speech u decided to do this boa bla!! I know everyone’s recovery is different I just didn’t think it was going to be this painful and hard to deal with 🙁 have I made the worse decision ever ?! Xxx


    That was supposed to be UN supportive

    AllyH 2

    Emily don’t worry, it’s very normal to be emotional and it does get easier. It’s a stressful, scary time and once the op is over you’re kind of left with that OMG there’s nothing I can do now feeling. You know that terrified moment when you find you’re pregnant and there’s no going back – that’s what it reminded me of. You’re not alone 🙂 Talk to your PC or nurse re painkiller options if you’re still really sore, they might be able to advise a different combination. Hope you feel better soon xx


    Babes day 3 (In fact Day 1 -4) was my absolute worst and no matter what people said, I just couldnt see how it would get better!
    By Day 5 things really started picking up – Just hang in there babes, take it easy as much as you can and you will soon be able to get back to normal
    (And my hub was an absolute DICK to be precise, He couldnt stop reminding me how I picked such a perfect time (Christmas) to be out of action!)
    Hope you feel better v soon xxxxx


    Emily, I’m so sorry to hear that you are struggling. We had our ops the same day and I don’t know how I’d cope with a 3 year old – I’m barely coping with myself at the moment so admire your strength so far! I’m bloody uncomfortable and woke up feeling my worst today – but things will get better and it’ll be so worth it. Please try to hold onto how excited you were about it all a few days ago and rant away on here if it makes you feel better.

    Hope things pick up for you soon 🙂

    Jess 1

    I was exactly the same but just remember how quickly a week flies by then you will be on cloud9 and in a month even happier and you will have forgotten all the bad times and you certainly won’t be regretting it then your 3 year old will be getting lots of extra bouncy cuddles 😉 hang in there xxx


    Thanks girls I’m trying to keep strong and positive work are expecting me to go back on Monday but there’d is no way I’m going to be ready I totally underestimated how much help id need in this recovery 🙁 i am questioning everything now and one boob looks massive compared to the other at the mo I know things will get better just on a total downer this is really not how I thought I’d be feeling after my BA something I’ve wanted for years !! Xx


    Babes I was the same and thought I would find it a breeze – coming from the girl who chooses to give birth with no pain relief!
    But it really did knock me for 6 –
    Honestly in 1-2 days you will feel totally different!
    I used to go and sit in a bath up to my belly (with my bra and vest top on rolled up) this helped relax me and the nurofen helped me too pain wise as I didn’t take there painkillers- also a hot water bottle for your back in bed helps too honey xxxx


    Hey @Emily, I had my ba last Friday and it really does start to get alot easier, just keep positive. With regards to the pain, I found same as pinkfly7 ibuprofen or nurofen so much more effective as they are anti-inflammatory and not just pain relief. I too have got one bigger than the other and the bigger one looks lower than the littler one, trying to not to worry too much as I know things change so much in time and we will end up with the boobs we want x

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