Struggling with this… Started by: Lizzy

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  • Lizzy

    Hi ladies I had my ba on weds, so am now 4 days post op. I have had one of the worst nites of my life. I feel like I have been up + down all nite. I just can’t get comfortable trying to sleep propped up, I think I manage to nod for bout an hour then I have to get up. I am starting to feel really suffocated with this strapping, it’s so tight, it really feels like it’s pulling down on the top of my neck. I keep getting this horrible throbbing pain which keeps coming + going under my left booby, right where my incision is. I am so tearful but I think it is lack of sleep + just being uncomfortable. Does it get easier as the days go on ladies, as I feel I am struggling x x

    anna 1

    Yes Lizzy I promise up to day 4 was the worst for me, particularly sleeping…a couple more days and u will be on the home straight, hang in there!! X

    leigh taylor -4

    Defo gets better hun, promise. Day 3 & 4 seems to be the worst for everyone. Lack of sleep is crap so hang in there and just think of your fabulous new boobies that will be well worth all the pain. I didn’t have strapping I can only imagine how uncomfortable it is but not long and you will be having it taken off to reveal your shiny new boobs!!! X


    Aw lizzy you’ll start to feel better soon honestly. I was like that day 3 an then started to pick up. Lack of sleep, medication, pain, lack of shampoo on hair lol – made me feel like sh*t!! Honestly though you will start to feel better, it’s a week out of your life an sooo worth it. I didn’t have strapping an felt suffocated in my sports bra so can imagine you feel worse. I did hear of girls on here cutting a ” V” at the to of ur cleavage. I’d check with ur nurse an sed if u can do this? Let us know how ur gettin on xx

    Misfion 3

    Lizzy if you’re really struggling with sleeping lower yourself down more hunni. You have managed 4 days and in 3 more will be allowed to sleep pretty flat. I made myself a nest of pillows and used a neck pillow as I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep on my back, but there is no way I slept as propped up as they told me too, more ‘slightly elevated’ 🙂 Its to help with the swelling, with the strapping on your implants are going no where 🙂 If you have the full strapping cut a little V at the cleavage like Megan says to release the pressure, and take a painkiller before bed so the throbbing doesn’t wake you. You’re almost through the worst xxx


    Thanks ladies…I have felt a bit better today, went back to sleep this morning for a bit…I think thru sheer exhaustion. Just keep telling myself that every day will get easier, even more so when this horrible strapping comes off on Thursday. I just keep looking at my boobies + thinking it is all gonna b worth it x x


    I hope you’re feeling better today, day 4 was the worst for me too. Pain management is really important at the mo, and i found it really helped if I religiously took the painkillers every 4 hours, regardless of whether I felt I needed them or not, so it didn’t have chance to build up as much. And I feel your pain with the strapping!! I’m finally getting mine off tomorrow, I just hope the nurse isn’t going to be too annoyed, as my strapping went all the way down to my belly button and was doing my head in so much I actually resorted to cutting some of it off yesterday :s I haven’t gone near the strapping round my boobs, but it’s really helped having the excess off. Don’t quote me on it, but it might help if yours is getting too much? Hopefully from now on its just gonna get easier for you 🙂 xx


    Thanks hannah…I keep saying to hubby can’t u cut a little v out of the top of the strapping to relieve some of the pressure, but he says it’s there for a reason, roll on Thursday I say. I bet u can’t wait till tomorrow, I hope the nurse is gentle with u x x


    Hun it will get easier, last night i woke up and wanted to scream because I had such bad pains in my chest but today my pain has eased and am feeling loads better, the strapping is uncomfortable and I suffer with anxiety but deep breaths and drinking lots of water to help the body stay hydrated really does help, I bought a travel pillow for my neck and that has helped so much with my sleeping, stay positive Hun xxx

    myamoderator 138

    Hi Lizzy,
    We’re sorry to hear that you’re struggling 🙁
    If you’d like us to get in touch with a nurse regarding then please let us know!
    Love MYA Mod x

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