Stuck on look Started by: Madeleine

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    Hi girls just wondering how long my boobs will look like they have been stuck on? I’m seven days PO and I don’t think they look any different from the day of the op? One is still higher and bigger but I know that can take a good few weeks so I’m not too worried about that. Mine just look really round xx


    Mine are the same look really round! I’m sure once the swelling goes down and they settle they will change though most people have said they will look better and different as time goes on x


    I know it’s just the sitting and waiting haha I’m being impatient! I’ve just noticed this morning that my left one is finally dropping a little so that has cheered me up! I’ve got my appt with the nurse this afternoon too so I can get the plasters taken off cx


    Yeah the waiting is hard! Oh yay bet your happy I can’t wait to get all my strapping off still have until Monday:( lol x

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